Cambodia’s Mineral Exploration Licensing Process: Governance Risk Assessment
Cambodia’s Mineral Exploration Licensing Process: Governance Risk Assessment aims to identify and analyze governance risks associated with the process for granting mineral explo...
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report on Gold Mining Research and Exploitation Project in Ou Klik Khlak area, Kbal Damrei commune, Chetr Borei district, Kratie province on a total area of 2,050 hectares
This document describes the initial environmental and social impact assessment on gold mining research and exploitation project in Ou Klik Khlak area, Kbal Damrei commune, Chetr...
Cambodia Municipality and Province Investment Information
This document detail the municipality and province investment information in 24 provinces of Cambodia.
Moving Beyond Misconceptions A critical review of Korean investment in Cambodia
Korea's growing presence and interest in Cambodia. Relations between Cambodia and Korea were normalized in 1997, more than twenty years after they broke down when the Khmer Roug...
Rapid Assessment on Cambodia’s Mining Policy Framework 2015-2020
This report summarises the assessment of the mining law and policies of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), and the ministry’s institutional capacity to implement the Mining...
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report on Gold Mining Research and Exploitation Project in Phnom Daek area, Romtum commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province on a total area of 100 hectares
DELCOM (KAMPUCHEA) PTE. LTD, a Cambodian-Chinese owned company, has conducted the initial environmental and social impact assessment on gold mining research and exploitation pro...
Prakas No. 141 on Authorizing Delcom Cambodia Pte. Ltd to operate exploration mines resources in Phnom Dek, Preah Vihear province. eah Vihear
Delcom Cambodia Pte. Ltd had been granted exploration license in an area of 216 Km2 in Phnom Dek, Preah Vihear province and 198 Km2 in Kravar, Kampong Thom province. The detaile...
Sub-decree no. 114 on the adjustment of article 12 of sub-decree no. 17 dated 7 April 2000, article 32 and article 33 of sub-decree no. 188 dated 14 November 2008 and new article 26 of sub-decree no. 81, dated 21 June 2019.
This sub-decree is adjusted on the organizing and functioning of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and on the functions and roles of officials in performing th...
Exploration License No. 237 on Authorizing Delcom Cambodia Pte Ltd to Conduct Mineral Exploration
This license authorizes Delcom Cambodia Pte Ltd, address House number 42, street 240, Sangkat Chak Tomukh, Khan Duan Penh, Phnom Penh, to conduct mineral exploration in Phnom De...
Cambodia investment guidebook
This guidebook gives an overview of Cambodia's political and legal system, as well as highlighting the foreign policies in Cambodia based on the Cambodian's Constitution policy.
Understanding timber flows and control in Cambodia in the Context of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT)
The report of a study to improve the understanding of timber flows in Cambodia and to understand the roles of the government agencies involved in the control of the timber suppl...
Instruction on Water Subscription Fee of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
This document is about the procedure of connection service of water supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) together with a tariff of house connection fee based on...
Building footprints in Phnom Penh
Building footprints can be used for a variety of essential purposes, including population estimation, urban planning, and humanitarian response, as well as environmental and cli...
Sub-decree no. 106 on the cutting of 5 hectares of land from the broadcasting station and restoring the forest Trapeang Thum situated in Prey Sloek commune, Treang district, Takeo province, in order to reclassify it as state private land to the 2nd office of the Army of the Ministry of National Defense
This sub-decree no. 106 shows the cutting of 5 hectares of land from the broadcasting station and the restoration of the forest Trapeang Thum situated in Prey Sloek commune, Tra...
Sub-decree no. 105 on Boeung Ta Mok reformation (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
Sub-decree no. 105 on the reformation of the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh, decided to cut a area with a total area of 10 hectares in Sangkat Ponsang, ...
Sub-decree No 92 on Establishment of Poipet PP Special Economic Zone
Poipet PP SEZ, a special economic zone was established with the area of 53.39055 hectare in Poipet city, Banteay Meanchey Province.
Decision No.40 on the establishment of administration on Dragon King Bavet SEZ
The administrative committee of Dragon King Bavet SEZ was established at Prey Angkunh commune, Bavet district, Svay Rieng province.This administrative structure consists of one ...
Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone
This document showed about the profile and detail information of Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone.
Royal Group Poipet Special Economic Zone
This document showed the profile and detail information of Poipet Special Economic Zone.
Sub-decree no. 103 on the launch a map of cultural heritage location within natural protected area
This sub-decree sets out the introduction of a map to locate cultural heritage sites within protected areas in the Kingdom of Cambodia for the purpose of preserving, protecting ...