The Amended Law on Article 13 (new) of the Amended Law on Elections of Members of the National Assembly
The law makes an amendment on the Article 13 (new) of the Amended Law on Elections of Members of the National Assembly.
Law Adopting the Protocol to Implement the Second Package of Commitments on Financial Services Under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services
The purpose of the Protocol is to enhance cooperation in financial services and substantially reduce restrictions to trade in financial services among ASEAN Member States beyond...
Struggling against excuses: winning back land in Cambodia
This paper focuses on one community in Cambodia that won back land from a large land deal by grabbing onto the rupture in property relations initiated by a one-year land titling...
From land grab to agrarian transition? Hybrid trajectories of accumulation and environmental change on the Cambodia–Vietnam border
This paper explores the divergent processes of agrarian transition in Cambodia and Vietnam and the ways in which they intersect through flows across the border, arguing that it ...
Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia
The paper focuses on how climate change mitigation policies and economic land and mining concessions in Prey Lang, Cambodia, accommodate and facilitate each other physically, di...
Decree on Referring to Contract and Other Liabilities
The objectives of this decree-law are to determine the obligations of the parties to form a contract, to give the definition of a valid contract, and also to assure the responsi...
Law Approving the Kingdom of Cambodia to be a Member of International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters
This convention mentions about how Contracting Parties provide each other with administrative assistance under the terms set out in this Convention, for the proper application o...
Law Adopting the Protocol 5 of ASEAN on Obligation of Insurance Vehicle
Pursuant to Article 3 and paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 14 of the Agreement, the Contracting Parties hereby agree to apply the provisions of this Protocol to the establishment o...
Law Adopting the Protocol of the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Participation in the World Trade Organization
This law allows Cambodia's membership in the World Trade Organization, which was signed in Kansas City, Mexico, on September 11, 2013.
Law on the Amendment of Article 247, 368, 372 and Article 382 of the Law on Criminal Procedure
This Law makes amendments to Article 247, 368, 372 and Article 382 of the Law on Criminal Procedure.
Law on the Amendment of Article 36, 38, 90, and Article 91 of the Law on Criminal Procedure
This Law makes amendments to Article 36, 38, 90, and Article 91 of the Law on Criminal Procedure.
Law Adopting the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalisation of Air Freight Services
Each contracting party grants to the other contracting parties the follwoing rights for the conduct of international air freight services by the designed airlines of the other c...
Law on the Amendment of Article 9 and Article 10 of the Law on the Common Statute of Civil Servants
This law makes amendments to Article 9 and Article 10 of the Law on the Common Statute of Civil Servants.
Law on the Amendment of Article 51 of the Law on the Common Statute of Civil Servants
This law makes amendments to Article 51 of the Law on the Common Statute of Civil Servants.
Law on the Amendment of Article 26 of the Law on Financial System
This dataset has no description
Law on the Organization and Functioning of National Assembly and Senate Congress
The purpose of this law is to determine the organization and functioning of members of the National Assembly and the Senate, in accordance with the new Article 116 and Article 1...
Law Adopting the Protocol 8 of Sanitary and PhytoSanitary Measures to Implement the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit
Under this agreement, the World Trade Organization sets constraints on member-states' policies relating to food safety (bacterial contaminants, pesticides, inspection and labell...
Law on Procedure of Civil Punishment
This law stipulates the procedures for civil penalties as set out in the Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure and Law on Non-Suit Civil Case Procedure.
Law Adopting the Agreement on Asia Pacific Telecommunity
The objective of Telecommunity is to promote the development of telecommunications services and information infrastructure across the region, with emphasis on less developed areas.
Law Adopting the Third Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooprerating in Southest Asia
The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia is a peace treaty among Southeast Asian countries established by the founding members of the Association of Southeast Asian...