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Forestry in Myanmar 2020

ຈັດພິມໂດຍ: Open Development Myanmar

The Forest Department released 2020 report, consists various contents with up-to-date information about institutional structure, forest resources base, rules and law and etc.

ແຫຼ່ງຂໍ້ມູນ (1)

ເບິ່ງຕົວຢ່າງຂໍ້ມູນ - Forestry in Myanmar 2020_EN

Additional Info

Field Value
ປະເພດເອກະສານ Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
  • ອັງກິດ
  • Forest policy and administration
  • Forest protection
  • Forests and forestry
ພື້ນທີ່ພູມສັນຖານ (ຂອບເຂດພື້ນທີ່)
  • ມຽນມາ
ລິຂະສິດ Yes
ຂໍ້ຈຳກັດໃນການເຂົ້າເຖິງ ແລະ ນຳໃຊ້

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Minister of Forest Department 067-3405477

ຜູ້ຂຽນຮ່ວມ (ອົງການຈັດຕັ້ງ) The Forest Department and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
ສະຖານທີ່ຈັດພິມ Myanmar
ຜູ້ຈັດພິມ The Forest Department
ປີຈັດພິມ 2020
ຈຳນວນໜ້າ 65
ໝາຍເຫດ For this report can be accessed via original source here:

ຄຳສັບຫຼັກ Forestry in Myanmar,Forest Department,The Forest Department and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
ວັນທີອັບໂຫຼດ ກັນຍາ 17, 2024, 07:23 (UTC)
ວັນທີດັດແປງ ກັນຍາ 17, 2024, 10:46 (UTC)