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Emergency Decree on Fisheries, B.E. 2558 (2015)

ຈັດພິມໂດຍ: Open Development Thailand

The provisions of this Emergency Decree aim to reorganize fisheries in Thailand and in waters at large with a view to preventing unlawful fishing in order to preserve aquatic animal resources as a sustainable source of food for humankind and preserve the environment in an appropriate state along the line of internationally recognized approaches, criteria and standards, as well as to protect the welfare of seamen and prevent all forms of illegal labour in the fishery sector.

ແຫຼ່ງຂໍ້ມູນ (1)

ເບິ່ງຕົວຢ່າງຂໍ້ມູນ - Emergency Decree on Fisheries, B.E. 2558 (2015)

Additional Info

Field Value
ພື້ນທີ່ພູມສັນຖານ (ຂອບເຂດທີ່ຕັ້ງ)
  • ໄທ
  • The King
  • ອັງກິດ
ປະເພດເອກະສານ Royal Decree
  • Agriculture and fishing
  • Fishing policy and administration
  • SDG14 Life Below Water

No license given

ລິຂະສິດ No
ສະຖານະ ລົງນາມ ແລະ ມີຜົນບັງຄັບໃຊ້
ວັນທີຮັບຮອງ /ປະກາດໃຊ້ /ລົງນາມ 13 ພະຈິກ 2015
ວັນທີມີຜົນບັງຄັບໃຊ້ 12 ທັນວາ 2015
ເອກະສານອ້າງອີງ The Royal Thai Government Gazette

Royal Thai Government Gazette Website:, Phone Number: 0-2222-0206-9

ຄຳສັບຫຼັກ fishery,surveillance of fishing activities,sustainability of aquatic animal resources,conservation and management of aquatic animal resources
ວັນທີອັບໂຫຼດ ກຸມພາ 19, 2021, 21:23 (UTC)
ວັນທີດັດແປງ ມີນາ 11, 2025, 07:15 (UTC)