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Decision to approve the National Strategy on Climate Change

ຈັດພິມໂດຍ: Open Development Vietnam

Decision No. 2139 / QD-TTG issued by the Prime Minister to approve the National Strategy on Climate Change. The objectives of the strategy include: To promote the capacity of the whole country, to simultaneously implement measures to adapt to the impacts of climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, aiming at sustainable development. Strengthening capacity to adapt to climate change of people and natural systems, developing low carbon economy to protect and improve the quality of life, ensuring security and sustainable development of the country in the context of global climate change and actively work with the international community to protect the Earth's climate system.

ແຫຼ່ງຂໍ້ມູນ (1)

ເບິ່ງຕົວຢ່າງຂໍ້ມູນ - Decision to approve the National Strategy on Climate Change

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ພື້ນທີ່ພູມສັນຖານ (ຂອບເຂດທີ່ຕັ້ງ)
  • ຫວຽດນາມ
ເລກທີອ້າງອີງ 2139/QĐ-TTg
  • ນາຍົກລັດຖະມົນຕີ
  • ຫວຽດນາມ
ປະເພດເອກະສານ ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ
ຫົວຂໍ້ Climate change
ສັນຍາລິຂະສິດ unspecified
ລິຂະສິດ No
ຂໍ້ຈຳກັດໃນການເຂົ້າເຖິງ ແລະ ນຳໃຊ້


ສະຖານະ ລົງນາມ ແລະ ມີຜົນບັງຄັບໃຊ້
ວັນທີຮັບຮອງ /ປະກາດໃຊ້ /ລົງນາມ 5 ທັນວາ 2011
ວັນທີມີຜົນບັງຄັບໃຊ້ 5 ທັນວາ 2011
ເອກະສານອ້າງອີງ Công báo Chính phủ số Số 627 + 628/Ngày 19-12-2011 Government Gazette No. 627 + 628 / 19-12-2011
ຄຳສັບຫຼັກ chiến lược quốc gia,biến đổi khí hậu,national strategy, climate change
ວັນທີອັບໂຫຼດ ສິງຫາ 30, 2018, 15:19 (UTC)
ວັນທີດັດແປງ ຕຸລາ 7, 2018, 12:49 (UTC)