Non-authoritative Myanmar [township/district/state-region] administrative boundaries based on OpenStreetMap geometry
Report of actual revenue and expenditure of municipal/district /khan administration in the Kingdom of Cambodia (2015-2020)
ການຈັດສັນອານາເຂດ (ທົ່ວປະເທດ, ແຂວງ ແລະ ເມືອງ)
ການຈັດສັນຂັ້ນ 0 (ລະດັບປະເທດ), 1 (ຂັ້ນແຂວງ) ແລະ 2 (ຂັ້ນເມືອງ) .
ການຈັດສັນອານາເຂດບ້ານຂອງ ສປປ ລາວ
ຂອບເຂດບ້ານຂອງປະເທດລາວໂດຍອີງໃສ່ການສຳຫຼວດພົນລະເມືອງປີ 2015.
Budget deviation of actual revenue and expenditure of district level
Myanmar Administrative Boundaries
WMS Resources for layers: Myanmar Administrative Boundaries
Thailand provincial boundaries
Thailand country boundary
List of Union Ministers
This data set contain a list of Union Ministers of Myanmar.
Staff reports of municipal/district/khan administration in Cambodia (2015-2019)
Municipal/district/khan administration contact
Service charges for electricity hook up and disconnection from electricity of Cambodia (EDC) 2020
This dataset contains a list of public services of electrical supply provided by Electricité Du Cambodge (EDC), focusing on in Phnom Penh and provinces underneath of Electricité...
Pyithu Hlttaw and Amyothar Hluttaw representatives from 2015
Candidates who were elected in 2015 Election became representatives at Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyothar Hluttaw.
List of Union and State/Region Ministers
This dataset contain a list of current Union and State/Region Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Myanmar
Baseline Data-set
The MIMU have been tracking more than 200 indicators from various sources and the dataset is available through their website.
Myanmar Postal Codes
This dataset contains postal codes of geographical areas, government agencies and public institutions of Myanmar.
Public services for transportation
This dataset contains a list of public services provided by Ministry of Public Works and Transport, focusing on motorcycle and automobile. There are three main categories of...
Provincial administration of Vietnam
Provincial administration is polygon dataset containing limit of provinces in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, province name.
District administration of Vietnam
District administration is polygon dataset containing limit of districts in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, district name, provincial name, population (statistic in...