Webpage capture on the company profile of ATI Petroleum Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile of Cetic International Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company ty...
Webpage capture the inactiveness of the JHL Petroleum Limited
Webpage capture on the company profile of JHL Petroleum Limited shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, registered ad...
No oil for up to five years: Cambodian government
It will be years before oil starts to be produced by energy giant Chevron's offshore site in the Gulf of Thailand. Chevron's permit to extract Block A remains stalled since the ...
Chevron bought out of oil block for $65 million
KrisEnergy, a Singaporean-based oil and gas company, purchased additional 30% controlling interests in Cambodia’s Block A for $65 million from Chevron Global Energy Inc., raisin...
Energy country review Cambodia
This document reviews the progress of Cambodia's oil and gas sector in the past and the present of Cambodia’s petroleum industry. Cambodia's oil and gas exploration block of Cam...
Cambodia energy sector assessment, strategy, and road map
This sector assessment, strategy, and the road map (ASR) document the current analysis of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) analysis of the strategic investment priorities of th...
Benefiting From the Digital Economy 2018
This policy note responds to a request from the Royal Government of Cambodia for the World Bank to assess the current state of Cambodia’s digital economy and identify policies t...
Annual report 2020: Leveraging digitalization and data analytics for impact
This report focuses on the message of chairwoman and CEO, background of Credit Bureau Cambodia (CBC), corporate governance, solutions, 2020 - a year in review, and Cambodian cre...
Cambodian Digital Government Policy 2022-2035
In accordance with the Cambodia Digital Economy and Society Policy Framework 2021-2035, the Government sets out the Cambodian Digital Government Policy 2022-2035, focusing on th...
Survey with small and medium enterprises on the perception of extractive industries in Cambodia
The overall objective of the study aims to obtain a better understanding of the perceptions of SME owners. The study focuses on whether these individuals believe new resource re...
Sub-Decree No. 50 on customs incentives for small and medium enterprises
This sub-decree aims to set out principles for customs incentives for small and medium enterprises.
Webpage capture on the company profile of Dong Nai Kratie Aphivath Caoutchoc Co., Ltd
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Dong Nai Kratie Aphivath Caoutchoc Co., Ltd shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, ...
Composite capability reinforced internal force
This 2018 annual report focuses on 9 main information.
Webpage capture on the news article of 8,100 ha of rubber to be planted in Cambodia
The contract will be valid for 70 years and is running under a cooperation program of the Vietnamese and Cambodian governments.
Webpage capture on the company profile of Caoutchouc Mekong Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Caoutchouc Mekong Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, re...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Great Asset Agricultural Development (Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Great Asset Agricultural Development (Cambodia) Co. Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, c...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Daklak Mondolkiri Aphivath Caoutchouc Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Daklak Mondolkiri Aphivath Caoutchouc Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company ty...
SME internationalization in Cambodia: Studying on barriers and mapping of supporting service providers
Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) development is a key priority in the strategy of the ASEAN countries, including Cambodia. SMEs play an essential role in Cambodia’s econo...
Sub-Decree No. 47 on the reclassification of state public property to the state private property
This sub-decree aims to reclassify the state private property including 1722012 square meters of land located in Prey Chas village, Vihear Sour commune, Khsach Kandal district, ...
Sub-Decree No. 46 on defining the coordinate number of the Tonle Bati Lake to keep as the state public property and reclassifying from state public property to state private property on the land located in Bati District, Takeo Province and Kandal Steung District, Kandal Province
This Sub-Decree aims to define the coordinate number of the Tonle Bati Lake to keep as the state public property and reclassify from state public property to state private prop...