Sub-Decree No. 74 on establishment of Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary
Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary was established in Stung Treng, Kampong Thom, Kratie and Preah Vihear provinces. This Wildlife Sanctuary has a size of 431,683 hectares. Annex of th...
Sub-Decree No. 202 on cutting and reclassifying 1,797 hectares of forest concession and ELCs in Preah Vihear province
Cutting 1,797 ha of land in Dar village of Chamroeun commune in Sangkum Thmey district of Preah Vihear province: 1,714.57 ha from Forest Concession of TPP, 5.43 ha from ELC of C...
Public Investment Progarmme 2009 - 2011
This document contains the PIP for the three years period, 2009-2011. It has been prepared through extensive one to one consultations between MOP and line ministries and agencie...
Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 9.1 Draft
The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving, man...
Law on private practice in the field of medical, medical and medical assistance
This law aims to administer and regulate private practice in the field of medical, medical and medical assistance.
Law on the approval of the Kingdom of Cambodia to join the convention on the general prohibition of the prohibition of nuclear weapons
This law aims to approve Cambodia's participation in the Convention on the General Prohibition of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Law on the archives
This law aims to administer and preserve the historical archives and showcase legal entity and legal person in researching to develop the nation.
Phnong Ethnicity Documentation of Customary Rules
Pu-Trou village is an old indigenous Phnong village located in O’Rang district in the Mondulkiri basal highland. It is home to 320 villagers, including 120 women, and comprises ...
Prakas No. 189 on the management of Ou Panha community protected area in Kanteak village, Prich village, Veal Chas village, and Srae Veal village, Sakream commune, Prasat Ballangk district, Kampong Thom province in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary
Ou Panha community protected area with the area of 5618 hectares is located in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Kanteak village, Prich village, Veal Chas village, and Srae Veal vi...
Sub-Decree No. 07 on the establishment of biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas
The Royal Government has set up a biodiversity conservation corridor of the area of 1,427,940 hectares of natural protected areas to ensure the stability and security of the eco...
Law approving the Kingdom of Cambodia to join the convention harmonized commodity description and coding system
The Convention Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System is internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products. To ensure harmonizatio...
Sub-Decree No. 235 on the management of drainage system and wastewater treatment system
This Sub-Decree aims to improve the management of drainage system and wastewater systems efficiently, transparently and accountably to ensure the safety of public health and bio...
Sub-decree No.42 on cutting and reclassifying 4,540.26 hectares from ELC, forest concession, forest cover in Pursat province
Cutting a total land of 4,540.26 hectares in Prey Aovmal village in Sangkat Roleab of Pursat city, and Roveang village in Samroang commune of Phnom Kravine district in Pursat pr...
Prakas on minimum wage setting for garment, textile, and footwear workers for 2018
This Proclamation states about the Minimum Wage Setting for Garment, textile, and footwear workers for 2018, the salary has been formally set up 170 (one hundred and seventy) US...
Law on financial management for the year 2008
This law is mandated for the 2008 management in collecting national income from taxes, contributions, VATs, revenues and other incomes, also in achieving its investment and set ...
Law on peaceful assembly
This law is aimed at determining the organization and functioning of a peaceful assembly in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No. 73 on the registration for vehicle identification cards and number plates
The sub-decree aims to set regulations related to the registration for vehicle identification cards and number plates to ensure security, public order and effective management o...
Off the Rails: AusAID and the Troubled Cambodian Railways Project
The rehabilitate and privatise the railway system project is pitched as an economic driver for Cambodia in which the poor will, in some unarticulated way, eventually share. But ...
National Strategic Development Plan 2006-2010
The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), 2006- 2010, is therefore a single, overarching document containing RGC's priority goals and strategies to reduce poverty rapidly...
Sub-decree No.188 on Establishment of Koh Rong National Park
Koh Rong national park is located in Preah Sihanouk province with a total size of 2,655.35 hectares. This park is established to preserve and protect the natural landscape, cult...