Prokas No. 356 on capital gain tax
This proclamation is issued by Ministry of Economy and Finance on the capital gain tax. The department of taxation will implement and enforce capital tax collection based on th...
Sub-decree No. 117 on the establishment and functioning of the spokesperson unit of the Royal Government
This sub-decree shows the establishment of the Royal Government Spokesperson Unit to effectively inform the national and international public about the work, achievements and po...
List of Sub-National Spokespersons
A list of sub-national spokespersons with names and surnames, roles, institutions and contact numbers is posted on the official Facebook page of the Royal Government Spokesperso...
Urban governance: Waste management in Phnom Penh
This report is aimed to assess the municipal solid waste management governance from the ground up, looking at the issue from the perspective of one of the most disadvantaged, ma...
Number of trash carts in Phnom Penh
This dataset contains records of information on the number of trash cart resources of CINTRI in each Khan in Phnom Penh along with the population and area of each Khan. The data...
Phnom Penh waste management strategy and action plan 2018-2035
This document was aimed to set the direction for the city's waste management and promote the development of a conducive policy framework. The development of this waste managemen...
Waste management in Phnom Penh (2000-2017)
This dataset contains the record information of waste disposal of municipal, medication, and industries which were extracted entirely from the "Phnom Penh Waste Management Strat...
Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 11th Draft
The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving, man...
National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030
The National Strategic Plan is to promote a the sustainable long-term economic, social and environmental development of the country. Focus areas are: 1) G...
National Forest Programme 2010-2029
The goal of the National Forest Programme is to establish a policy framework and strategy for sustainable management of the country’s valuable forest resources. This document, w...
Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 10th Draft
The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving, man...
Progress report 2019 of achieving Cambodia’s sustainable development goals 2016-2030
This report aims to update the result and progress on the implementation of Cambodian sustainable development goals 2016-2030. The report shows the achievement of each goal an...
Preliminary report: data on rainfall damage and impact 2020
This preliminary report presents data on casualties, damage and impacts on social sector, production sector and infrastructure by the 2020 raining flood.
National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan 2016
The Ministry of Environment has developed the National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan with the purpose to fill the gaps in the implementation of efforts and respond t...
Sub-decree no 91 on the amendment to the article 1 of the sub-decree no 217, issued on 13 December 2017, on the establishment of Preah Sihanouk Ream national park community with an area of 667.96 hectares located in Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province.
Amendment to the article 1 of the sub-decree no 217, issued on 13 December 2020, on the establishment of Preah Sihanouk Ream national park community with an area of 667.96 hecta...
Sub-decree No.97 on the clearing of 32.5102 hectares of land, located in Preah Sihanouk City, Preah Sihanouk province, from Prek Teuk Sab Kbal Chhay Multi-purpose use areas, established by sub-decree No.116, issued on 05 June 2016, and being reclassified as state private land, and grant ownership to local people who in actual fact occupied the land
This Sub-decree shows 32.5102 hectares of land located in Preah Sihanouk City, Preah Sihanouk province, was cut from Prek Teuk Sab Kbal Chhay Multi-purpose use areas. This was ...
Sub-decree No. 90 on the modification of Ta Mok lake (Buoeng Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
2,985,472 square meters of land as established in the sub-decree No.20, issued on 03 February 2016, on defining the Ta Mok lake as a public state property were ceded and reclas...
Sub-decree No. 92 on the reclassification from public state property to private state property
This Sub-decree shows three land parcels in Phnom Penh underwent reclassification from state public property to state private property: (1) Daun Penh District Gendarmerie Base, ...
The draft of National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2019-2023
The draft of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2019-2023 summarizes the key achievements and challenges during the implementation of the National Strategic Developm...
Law on the Management of the Nation in Emergencies
This law stipulates the mode for proceeding with and conditions for declaring a national emergency to maintain national security and public order and to protect the lives and he...