The education youth and sport performance in the academic year 2021-2022 and goals for the academic year 2022-2023
The Ministry and stakeholders have achieved significant accomplishments, such as increased enrolments in all school levels, in particular the nine-year basic education...
Multilingual education national action plan 2015-2018
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, in collaboration with Development Partners and various NGOs, has developed a Multilingual Education National Action Plan 2015–2018 in...
Videos on primary school services
Public education statistics and indicators (2019-2020)
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2019–2020 provide basic information regarding public schools, including pre-school, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. The...
Multilingual education action plan 2019-2023
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in collaboration with development partners has developed a Multilingual Education Action Plan 2019-2023 to respond to the United Nations...
Project fact sheet: Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students
Digital Educational Resources in Indigenous Languages for Primary School Students project aims to address the language barriers indigenous primary school students face in...
Educational management information system master plan 2014-2018
Cambodia has considered human capital investment in the form of education as a major tool for sustainable development. Education plays a key role in achieving moral, aesthetic,...
Master plan for information and communication technology in education 2009-2013
The long-term vision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is to “establish and develop human resources of the very highest quality and ethics in order to...
The education youth and sport performance in the academic year 2019-2020 and goals for the academic year 2020-2021
Academic year 2019-2020 is the 2nd year that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports implemented the Education Strategic Plan 2019-2023 in line with the National Strategic...
Public Education Statistics and Indicators (2021-2022)
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2021-2022 provides basic information regarding public schools including preschool, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. The book...
Public Education Statistics and Indicators 2020-2021
The Education Statistics and Indicators 2020-2021 provides basic information regarding public schools including pre-school, primary, and secondary education in Cambodia. The...
Cambodia secondary education blueprint 2030
This book aims to look at and transform Cambodia's secondary education in 2030. The book introduces the education in Cambodia and background to the blueprint. It also focuses on...
Map Use and Reading Textbook for Secondary Education Program
This map reading and using textbook was developed by the Department of Information Technology (DIT) in collaboration with the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) for the public...
Education in Cambodia findings from Cambodia's experience in PISA for Development
This report describes the results achieved by students, the resources invested in education system, and the learning environments in schools and communities, in ways that...
UN Webpages for the MDGs
UN Webpages for MDGs 2, 4, and 6.
Bidding announcement for renovation of building and furniture for the new generation school
This is the bidding announcement from the Kampuchean Action for Primary Education to the public for the tender on building and furniture for the new generation school.
New generation schools in Cambodia
This is the news extracted from Radio Free Asia, and in Cambodia, there are ten new generation schools established by 2018: four primary schools, a lower secondary school, and 5...
Laos: Education
The page provides an overview of the state of education in Lao PDR, as well as the work that Save the Children is doing to improve it.
ASEAN environmental education action plan 2014-2018
This Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Environmental Education Action Plan contributes to ASEAN's vision by providing a regional framework for enhancing public...
Child labor in brick factories: Cause and consequences, a research study for campaign of combating the worst forms of child labour in Cambodia, August 2007
As part of the campaign against the worst forms of child labour for the wellbeing of Cambodian children, LICADHO and WVC commissioned this study on children working in brick...