ການບູລິມະສິດການຄຸ້ມຄອງຊັບພະຍາກອນທໍາມະຊາດ (INRM)
ການນໍາສະເຫນີກ່ຽວກັບການປະສົມປະສານການຈັດການຊັບພະຍາກອນທໍາມະຊາດໃນການເຮັດວຽກຂອງອົງການ NGO ໃນຫລາຍແຂວງໃນລາວ. ລວມມີຂໍ້ມູນກ່ຽວກັບຫ້ອງການການ ສຶກສາດ້ານກົດຫມາຍທາງດ້ານການແພດແລະການປະຕິບັດສິດທ...
Legal briefing: How international law applies to the Don Sahong Dam
A legal briefing on how international law applies to the Don Sahong Dam. The Government of Laos proceeded with the Don Sahong Dam after claiming it was only required under the...
Hierarchy of laws in Cambodia
This fact sheet provides an overview of the hierarchy of laws in Cambodia and highlights the fact that legal instruments are often misused, thereby jeopardizing the principle of...
Structure of the legal documents of Vietnam
Diagramatic explanation of the hierarchy of legal documents in Vietnam. The diagram shows which organisations author various documents, and summarises the documents' functions.