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11 laws_records found

ບົດຄວາມ: Water resources

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  • Water Resources Act, B.E. 2561 (2018)

    The allocation, use, development, management, maintenance, rehabilitation and conservation of water resources and rights in water shall be as provided in this Act except that in...

  • Sub-Decree no. 43 on the determination of flooded forest area (zone 2) of Tonle Sap area in Pursat province

    This sub-decree defines the buffer zone of the flooded forest area (zone 2) of Tonle Sap area of 14,428 hectares, 1 acre (fourteen thousand four hundred and twenty-eight...

  • Sub-Decree no. 29 on the determination of flooded forest area (zone 2) of Tonle Sap area in Kampong Thom province

    This sub-decree determines the buffer zone of the flooded forest area (zone 2) of Tonle Sap area of 121,402 hectares, 32 acres (one hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred...

  • Prakas on the recognition and launching of the by-law of Farmer Water User Community Okranhak

    The prakas is to recognise and launch the usage of the by-law of Farmer Water User Community Okranhak in Mean Rith commune, Sandan commune, and Chheu Teal commune, Sandan...

  • Law on the establishment of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology

    The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology is established under the jurisdiction of the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Sub-decree​ No.​ 187​ on​ the​ establishment​ of​ Boeng​ Prek​ Tub​ freshwater​ protected​ area

    Boeng​ Prek​ Tub​ freshwater​ protected​ area​ with​ 16.3​ hectares​ located​ in​ Preah​ Sihanouk​ province​ was​ established​ on​ 13​ September​ 2016.​ The​ creation​ of​ this​...

  • Law on Water Resource​​ Management of the Kingdom of Cambodia

    The general purpose of this Law is to foster the effective and sustainable management of the water resources of the Kingdom of Cambodia to attain socio-economic development and...

  • Sub-decree No. 98 on river basin management

    This sub-decree aims to manage, conserve and develop river basin to be more effective and sustainable in accordance to Law on Water Resource Management in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

  • Decision 81: Approving the National Strategy on Water Resources to 2020

    Decision to implement guidelines on water resource protection; including both general and specific objectives aimed at the protection, efficient use and sustainable development...

  • Law on water resources


  • Royal Decree on the Establishment of the Tonle Sap Basin Management Authority

    The purpose of this Royal Decree is about the Establishment of the Tonle Sap Basin Management Authority in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

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