Webpage capture on news about Mondulkiri mining companies produced nearly 13 tonnes of gold
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on the news article of Mesco Gold soon to produce gold
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on the news article of Samdech Techo Hun Sen inaugurated the opening of a cement factory in Battambang province.
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on the news article of coal extraction in Oddar Meanchey begins
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about 16 metallic mining companies in Oddar Meanchey province
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture of relevant information about Mesco to mine gold
This document was captured from the Phnom Penh Post news on Mesco Gold, an associated company of India-based Mesco Steel, will pay $1.2 million for the rights to mine gold in...
Company profile of Mesco Gold (Cambodia) Ltd
Mesco Gold (Cambodia) Ltd has registered its business registration at Ministry of Commerce in Cambodia as single member private limited company. The objective of its business is...
Notice of establishment of commercial enterprise: Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd.
These screenshot documents are about information of Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd registered in the Ministry of Commerce. The information posted on the ministry's website...
Notice of establishment of commercial enterprise: Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd.
These screenshot documents are about information of Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd registered in the Ministry of Commerce. The information posted on the ministry's website...
Business registration: Kampot Cement Co., Ltd.
This screenshot document provides information of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd. registered at the Ministry of Commerce. The Concrete Production Aggregete Co., Ltd has 3946.975 and SCI...
Webpage capture on the news article about Australian company mining gold in Mondulkiri, wants to expand investment to Tbong Khmum province
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on the news article of $263M cement factory in Kampong Speu to start production soon
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about there are 16 companies currently exploring underground metal ores in Oddar Meanchey
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about 5 famous cement factories competing in the Cambodian market
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about Cambodia extracts 9.5 tonnes of gold ore
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about new firm starts gold extraction in Kratie Province
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about begin gold refining at new site in Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province by the end of 2023
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Company Overview of Astra Resources Plc
Bloomberg's website has published overview of Astra Resources Plc, engaging in mining iron ore, coal, and other steel making commodities. Its mining operations include thermal...
Notice of Establishment of Commercial Enterprise: Va Ly Heng Peanich Group Co., Ltd.
This screenshot document is about detailed information of Va Ly Heng Peanich Group Co., Ltd. registered in the ministry of commerce. The information is posted on the ministry's...