Prakas no. 008 on the establishment of the community protected area "Prang Chamkar Kraom"
Prakas no. 008 on the establishment of the community protected area "Prang Chamkar Kraom" in multiple use areas in Prang village, Dang Peaeng commune and Chamkar Kraom village,...
Prakas no. 009 on the establishment of the community protected area "Chroy Svay"
Prakas no. 009 on the establishment of "Chroy Svay" Community Protected Areas of multi-use areas in Chheu Neang village, Saray village, Phnum Sralau village, Kampong Sdam...
Prakas no. 108 on the recognition of the community protected area "Andoung Tuek"
Prakas no. 108 on the recognition of the community protected area "Andoung Tuek" Protected Areas in Botum Sakor National Park in Prai village, Chi Treh village, Ta Ok village,...
Implementing the strategic action Programme for The South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS SAP) Project: Cambodia national profile
The document provides accessible information and data on the status and trends in coastal habitats and their management in Cambodia based on the national report.
Assessing the influence of four years of Marine Protected Area status in the Koh Rong Marine National Park
In 2016, the Fisheries Administration (FiA), Royal Government of Cambodia, supported by Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and local community and NGO partners, proclaimed...
Greater Mekong Subregion Distribution of Mangroves; Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar (2016)
Protection of Wildlife and Conservation of Natural Areas Law 1994
The objectives of this Law, consisting of XII Chapters, are as follows: (a) to implement the Government policy for wildlife protection; (b) to implement the Government policy...
Panel Discussion 1 on "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia
This video is the panel discussion 1 on the topic: "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for...
Targeted measures to reduce plastic pollution in marine-protected areas, Cambodia
This community consultation sets out to explore context-specific targeted measures for addressing marine plastic pollution in Koh Sdach and Koh Rong Archipelagos, using...
Prakas No. 053 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of natural heritage sites
Prakas No. 053 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of natural heritage sites shows the logo attached in the appendix.
Prakas No. 377 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of protected area
Prakas No. 377 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of protected area shows that the form of the protected area type sign is determined by the external form as...
Indo-Burma Wetland Outlook 2022: Towards Wise Use of Indo-Burma's Wetlands
Understanding the current situation of wetlands in the region is key to effectively integrating wetlands within countries' agendas on biodiversity, climate change adaptation and...
Strategic Environmental Assessment in Cambodia: Development and Progress
This paper provides a historical perspective on SEA processes in Cambodia as well as describing the hierarchy of bodies responsible for its implementation. It then compares the...
Forest cover in Cambodia (2015-2018)
This forest cover is extracted from the Forest Monitoring System (https://rlcms-servir.adpc.net/en/forest-monitor/) which is developed by SERVIR-Mekong and the Global Land...
Presentation on the implementation of environmental management plan and local development (CSR)
In order to contribute to ensuring environmental sustainability in the national development process, Angkor Gold Corporation has been involved in protecting the environment in...
Decision No. 40 on the establishment of a working group responsible for reviewing and advising on the provisions of the draft Law on Fisheries, draft Law on Forestry and draft Law on Protected Areas
This decision aims to establish a working group responsible for reviewing and advising on the provisions of the draft Law on Fisheries, draft Law on Forestry and draft Law on...
COVID19 and Impacts on Environmental Human Rights Defenders and Environmental Protection in Southeast Asia: A regional analysis of legislative and political trends in 2020.
This report examines the positive and negative impacts of the decrees, laws and other government policies on environmental rights that were either enacted in response to...
Jayavarman-Norodom National Park
With its great importance and potential in history, archaeology, biodiversity, and natural resources, Kulen mountain was recognized as Jayavarman-Norodom National Park and put...
Koh Kapik and Associated Islets
Koh Kapik and Associated Islets are named as Ramsar site, no.998. Recognized in 1999, the protected site extends over area of 12,000 hectares located in Koh Kong province,...