Sub-Decree No 92 on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone
Determining 8,520 hectares as sustainable use zone in Kulen-Prumtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear province, and granting the land for rubber plantation, agro-industry and...
Sub-Decree on Cutting 4,698 hectares
Cutting 4,698 hectares: (1) 78 hectares cutting from Economic Land Concession of Kasotim and reclassying as state private land, (2) 3,014 hectares cutting from Economic Land...
Sub-Decree No. 46 on the Procedures to Establish Cadastral Index Map and Land Register
The Sub Decree No.11 ANK.BK of March 22, 2000 on Procedures of Establishing the Cadastral Index Map and Land Register shall be considered void and replaced by this Sub Decree...
Sub-Decree No. 47 on the Organization and Functioning of the Cadastral Commission
This sub decree has the objective to define the structure, missions and functions of the Cadastral Commission.
Sub-Decree No. 22 on the Division of Powers, Roles and Duties Granted to the Commune Councils
This Sub Decree states about the Division of Powers, Roles and Duties to grand to the Commune Councils.
Sub-Decree No. 16 on the Fund of Communes/Sangkats
The purpose of this Sub-Decree is to regulate the “Commune/Sangkat Fund” (The Fund) established by the Law on the Administration and Management of Communes/Sangkats.
Sub-Decree No. 95 on Transformation of Preah Kossamak Hospital to Public Administrative Institution
This Sub Decree states about the Transformation of Preah Kossamak Hospital to Public Administrative Institution, it is technically under Ministry of Health and financially under...
Sub-Decree No. 81 on the Appointment Professors in the Field of Health
The purpose of this sub-decree is to determine the mechanism, legal procedures and condition for selecting and appointing position of professors in the field of health.
Sub-Decree No. 96 on the Transformation of Khmer-Soviet Hospital to Public Administrative Institution
This Sub Decree states about the transformation of Khmer-Soviet Hospital into Public Administrative Institution, technically under Ministry of Health also financially under...
Sub-Decree No. 26 on the Financial Management System of the Commune/Sangkat
This Sub decree aims to determined on Financial system of Khum and Sangkat following by the Articles 73, 79, 81, 82, 83 on Law of Administrative Management Khum/Sangkat.
Sub-Decree No. 65 on the Establishment of the National Training Committee
This Sub Decree states about the establishment of a training committee to coordinate with relevant ministries and institutions to develop vocational education systems that...
Sub-Decree No. 35 on Measures to Ban Advertising of Tobacco Products
This sub decree aims to define the measures to ban the advertising of tobacco products.
Sub-Decree No. 240 on National Midwifes' Day
This sub decree aims to authorize all midwives of the Kingdom of Cambodia to celebrate [National Midwives’] Day on May 5 every year, to coincide with International Midwives’ Day.
Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control
This sub-decree aims to control cosmetic products of all types being traded in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-Decree No. 61 on Physician's Code of Ethics
This Sub-decree aims at determining the provisions on professional ethics for physicians and interned campus medical students who are capable for replacing the active physicians...
Sub-Decree No. 21 on Health and Education
This sub-decree aims at identifying the conditions and criterion for health education which shall be applied to public and private educational institutions in the Kingdom of...
Sub-Decree No. 37 on the Classification of Poisonous Substances for the Health Sector
This sub decree determines the classification of poisonous substances for the health sector.
Sub-Decree No. 54 on the Criteria to Establish University
The purpose of this Sub-decree is to define necessary criteria and conditions for the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports in monitoring on the establishment of the University.
Sub-Decree No. 127 on the Establishment of the University of Health Sciences as Public Administrative Institution
This sub decree states about the transferring of University of Health Sciences in its abbreviation “UHS” is to be transferred as Public Administrative Institution under...
Sub-Decree No. 396 on the Appointment of the Composition of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia
This Sub-Decree is about the appointment of the Composition of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia.