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ບົດຄວາມ: Forest policy and administration

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  • Factors affecting forest area changes in Cambodia: An econometric approach (presentation)

    A presentation summarising quantitative research into the main factors affecting deforestation in Cambodia. The presenters describe forest cover changes in Cambodia. They then...

  • Partner Countries

    The UN-REDD Programme currently supports 64 partner countries across Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • How Forestry Contributes to SDGs

    Forests and forestry make an important contribution across nearly every aspect of sustainable development. We’ve compiled a set of examples from evidence on the role of forests

  • Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) 2004-2014

    A team of eight experts has conducted an independent evaluation of eleven years (2004-2014) of implementation of the EU Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and...

  • FLEGT Global

    Countries around the world are acting to combat illegal logging and foster good forest governance. In this section of you will find information about the approaches...

  • REDD+ Readiness: An Introduction

    A series of slides from the UN-REDD program describing the REDD+ Readiness process

  • Who will bear the cost of REDD+? Evidence from subnational REDD+ initiatives

    While REDD+ has increasingly been accepted in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations and regional and voluntary markets for carbon offsets,...

  • Who is really bearing the cost of REDD+? The answer may surprise you

    Estimates of REDD+ costs have long been criticized for excluding transaction and implementation costs and undervaluing informal market activities such as subsistence farming....

  • From REDD+ projects to ‘jurisdictional REDD+’: more bad news for the climate and communities

    For many people, REDD+ is about projects that save forests. In reality, however, REDD+ has never been about protecting forests and also no longer really is about projects but...

  • What can Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women expect from Global Climate and Forests Funds in terms of their rights? An introduction and comparison of Safeguards and Participation Mechanisms

    As a result of the regime on ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and enhancing forest carbon stocks’ (REDD+) adopted by the UN Framework...

  • The most cost-inefficient tree-saving scheme ever: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

    In August 2012, the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank published a review of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The review revealed some serious problems...

  • Announcement of Ministry of Industry on Storage Hazardous Substance B.E. 2551 (2008)


  • The struggle over Lao PDR’s forests: New opportunities for improved forest governance?

    The forests of Lao PDR have dramatically diminished in recent decades. The main drivers of deforestation are changes in land use with forests being converted to agriculture,...

  • What is REDD+?

    Degradation and deforestation of the world’s tropical forests are cumulatively responsible for about 10% of net global carbon emissions. Therefore, tackling the destruction of...

  • Linking FLEGT and REDD+ to Improve Forest Governance

    For the past decade or so, developing countries have engaged in a variety of new international initiatives aiming at improving forest management and governance. The prevailing...

  • ແຈ້ງການຂອງກົມກວດກາປ່າໄມ້ ສະບັບເລກທີ 0806/ກກປມ, ລົງວັນທີ 19/10/2010 ກ່ຽວກັບການກວດກາການຂົນສົ່ງສັດຜ່ານໄປປະເທດທີສາມ

    ການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍສັດນ້ຳແລະສັດປ່າ ຜ່ານປະເທດລາວນັ້ນ ຕ້ອງໃຫ້ກອງກວດກາປ່າໄມ້ປະຈຳແຂວງແລະຫຼວງ ເອົາໃຈໃສ່ປະຕິບັດກວດກາໃຫ້ຖືກຕ້ອງຕາມລະບຽບ ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍສັດນ້ຳແລະສັດປ່າ

  • RECOFTC 2012 - 2013 ບົດລາຍງານການສໍາຫຼວດຜູ້ປະເມີນຜົນ

    ຂໍ້ສະຫຼຸບຂອງການສໍາຫຼວດແລະຂໍ້ມູນການສໍາພາດການປະເມີນຜົນແລະຊື່ສຽງຂອງ RECOFTC - ສູນສໍາລັບປະຊາຊົນແລະປ່າໄມ້.

  • ບໍ່ມີຜົນສໍາເລັດຄືຄວາມລົ້ມເຫລວ: ນະໂຍບາຍທຽບກັບຄວາມເປັນຈິງໃນຂະແຫນງປ່າໄມ້ລາວ.

    Benjamin Hodgdon ລາຍງານປະສົບການກ່ຽວກັບໂຄງການທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບການສະຫນັບ ສະຫນູນຈາກອົງການຈັດຕັ້ງ NGO ທີ່ຜ່ານມາໂດຍລັດຖະບານລາວເພື່ອຍົກເລີກ ບັນຫາທີ່ ຮ້າຍແຮງທີ່ເກີດຂື້ນຕໍ່ຂະແຫນງປ່າໄມ້ລາວ. ບົດຂ...

  • ການແບ່ງເຂດປ່າໄມ້ແລະການນໍາໃຊ້ທີ່ດິນ

    ຈຸດປະສົງຂອງປື້ມຄູ່ມືດ້ານວິຊາການນີ້ແມ່ນເພື່ອອະທິບາຍວິທີການ, ວິທີການແລະການປະຕິ ບັດສໍາລັບເຂດປ່າສະຫງວນທີ່ມີສ່ວນຮ່ວມແລະການນໍາໃຊ້ທີ່ດິນທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບການທົດສອບແລະປະຕິບັດຢູ່ໃນເຂດເປົ້າຫມາຍຂອງ...

  • ກອງປະຊຸມແລກປ່ຽນຄວາມຮູ້ແລະການຮຽນຮູ້ສາກົນກ່ຽວກັບການນໍາໃຊ້ທີ່ດິນແລະປ່າໄມ້

    ບັນດາກອງປະຊຸມຈາກກອງປະຊຸມສະພາແຫ່ງຊາດຂອງສປປລາວໄດ້ສຸມໃສ່ສິດທິໃນການນໍາໃຊ້ທີ່ດິນແລະປ່າໄມ້ໂດຍມີຈຸດປະສົງເພື່ອ: - ຮຽນຮູ້ຈາກປະສົບການຂອງປະເທດອື່ນ ກ່ຽວກັບວິທີການແກ້ໄຂຄວາມເປັນເຈົ້າການຂອງລັດ...

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