ອ່າງເກັບນ້ຳລະດັບ 3 ແມ່ນ້ຳຂອງ
ຊຸດຂໍ້ມູນນີ້ແມ່ນໄດ້ມາໂດຍການກຳນົດຂອບເຂດຂອງອ່າງລະບາຍນ້ຳຈາກຂໍ້ມູນລະດັບຄວາມສູງທີ່ຖືກແກ້ໄຂດ້ວຍລະບົບອຸທົກກະສາດ (HydroSHEDS ແລະ Hydro1K). ຄວາມລະອຽດຂໍ້ມູນການປ້ອນຂໍ້ມູນແມ່ນ 15 arc-ວິນາທີ...
Myanmar Pearl Cultivation Licences 2017-2018
Cropland in Cambodia
This dataset contains information of cropland and location of croplands in Cambodia which was downloaded from World Food Programme GeoNode (WFPGeoNode) using data in 2013 from...
Soil fertility map (2003)
The dataset provides soil fertility levels of different areas in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. Data were provided to ODC in...
Fish production of Vietnam in 2018
Aquaculture Production
The data is a subset of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics (2014), it is the only repository for global fishery data, regularly collects and analyses fisheries...
Fishery production of Vietnam in 2000-2017 by locality
Fish sanctuaries
The dataset provides fish sanctuary in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. Data were provided to ODC in vector format by Save...
ສະຖິຕິພືດຂອງ ສປປ ລາວ ປີ 2017
ສະຖິຕິພືດຂອງ ສປປ ລາວ ປີ 2017, ແຍກຕາມແຂວງ (ລຳດັບການປົກຄອງ 1)
Aquaculture production and consumption in Cambodia (2011)
This vector dataset provides aquaculture production and consumption metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to...
Fish production
This vector dataset provides aquaculture production metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to Open Development...
Rice ecosystem map for Cambodia
This vector dataset provides the locations of rice ecosystem types in Cambodia, as given by the International Rice Research Institute's (IRRI) Cambodia-IRRI Rice Project. Four...
Climate change vulnerability in Cambodia (2010)
This dataset provides a climate change vulnerability index value for each province in Cambodia, as determined by the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia, a...
Fish dependency in Cambodia
This dataset describes the communal statistic of fish dependency rate in Cambodia. Dataset were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in vector format by Save Cambodia's...
Fish consumption
This vector dataset provides aquaculture consumption metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to Open Development...
Area of fruit trees 2000-2017
The data provides information on Vietnam's fruit trees area from 2000 to 2017. The data table consists of 2 data columns in turn: "Year" represents time, "Area" represents the...
Agriculture Data 2016 from Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Prod2
This is the Agriculture data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This data has been reconfigured by MIMU.
Hydro basins level 6: Mekong
Hydro-basins provide hydrographic data layers that allow for the derivation of watershed boundaries for any given location based on the near-global, high-resolution SRTM digital...