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The Myanmar Investment Law

This is the 2016 Myanmar investment law that is designed to develop responsible investment businesses, among other things.

Data Resources (8)

Data Resource Preview - Myanmar Investment Law_Eng

Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Myanmar
Issuing agency/parties
  • Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
  • English
Formal type of document Law
  • Investment
  • Investment policy and regulations
License unspecified
Copyright No
Access and use constraints

As a law this document is in the public domain.

Status Adopted, validated, in effect
Adoption date/Enacted/Promulgation date/Signing date October 18, 2016
Effective/Enforced Date October 18, 2016
Publication reference The 2nd, Waning of Thadingyut, 1378 M.E.
Links to source
Keywords responsible investment
Date uploaded June 14, 2019, 06:23 (UTC)
Date modified July 18, 2024, 12:57 (UTC)