Circular No. 128/2013/TT-BTC Provisions on Customs Procedures, Customs Supervision, Export Tax, Import Tax and Tax Management of Imported and Exported Goods
This Circular provides for customs procedures; Customs inspection and supervision of export, import and transit goods; means of transport on exit, entry or in transit and provis...
Decree No. 218/2013/ND-CP Detailing and guiding the implementation of law on corporate income tax
This Decree regulates in detail and guides the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on corporate income tax and the Law on amending and supplementing a number of ar...
Customs Act, B.E. 2469 (1926)
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The Customs Tariff Decree B.E. 2530 (amended 2014)
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Prakas No. 371 on the property tax base
This prakas was established in accordant with the section 2 of the property tax of Law on Financial Management for the Year 2010, the properties located in the administration of...
Law Adopting the Protocol on Amending Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
This Agreement shall apply to all manufactured products, including capital goods, processed agricultural products, and those products failing outside the definition of agricultu...
Law Approving the Kingdom of Cambodia to Join the Convention Establishing a Customs Cooperation Council
This law has approved the Kingdom of Cambodia to be a party to the Convention on the Establishment of Customs Cooperation Councils which was signed in Brussels, Belgium, on Dec...
Law Approving the Kingdom of Cambodia to be a Member of International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters
This convention mentions about how Contracting Parties provide each other with administrative assistance under the terms set out in this Convention, for the proper application o...
Decree Law on the Patent Tax of the State of Council
The law sets out the requirement to pay patent tax in order to contribute to the division of business types, getting business tasks to be in line with the state's economic grow...
Prakas No 273 on Registration Tax Collection
This Prakas aimed to determine the process and procedure of registration tax collection of tax administration. Registration tax has been collected on transfer of ownership of re...
Instruction No 8727 on the Collecting of Registration Tax for Transfer Vehicles and Transportation Ownership
This instruction was established to ensure the effectiveness of registration tax payment service on transferring vehicle and transportation ownership with responsibility, consis...
Prakas No 1146 on the Provision of Public Services of General Department of Taxation of Ministry of Economy and Finance
This Prakas was established to provide authoring to General Department of Taxation of Cambodia collecting tax revenues from public services that were listed and determined in th...
Prakas on the Establishment of Property Evaluation Commission for Property Tax
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Prakas on Tax on Profit
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Prakas on Salary Tax
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Prakas on the Collection of Tax on Means of Transportation for 2012
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Prakas on the Collection of Tax on Means of Transportation for 2013
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Prakas on Exchange Rate for the 2012 Property Tax
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Prakas on the Collection of Tax on Means of Transportation for 2014
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Prakas on Tax Agency Service
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