On reinforcement measures on containment, prevention and full response to the COVID-19 pandemic
The situation of COVID-19 pandemic continues to be on the rise with nearly all countries in the world affected. The number of infected people and death toll of the virus also co...
Prime Ministerial Decree on Ethnic Groups
The decree states that ethnic groups must be governed using principles that ensure unity and equality. In addition, all ethnic groups should be permitted to practise their speci...
Lao People's Democratic Republic's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2003
This Constitution is the constitution of the people’s democratic regime in our country. It recognises the great achievements of our people in the course of their struggles for ...
Law on Environmental Protection, 2012 (Lao PDR)
The Environmental Protection Law defines principles, regulations and measures related to environmental management, monitoring of protection, control, preservation and rehabilita...
Decree on the Protection Forest
This Decree defines the principles, the procedures, and the measures on the management, the protection and conversation, the development, and the sustainable use of the protecti...
Decree of the President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic On the Promulgation of the Property Law
“Property” [in respect of any asset] means the total and definite right of the State, collectives, individuals, and private persons and entities over such asset in terms of poss...
Approval and Promulgation of the Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development in Lao PDR
This policy aims at providing policy guidance and reference to the agencies responsible for overseeing the implementation of investment projects in the hydropower sector as well...
Constitution of Lao People's Democratic Republic's (Amended 2015)
The 2015 Constitution (Amended) was published in the Official Gazette (open access) on 4 February 2016. It is currently available in the Lao language only. The 2015 Constitution...
Law on electricity
The Law on Electricity determines the principles, rules and measures on the organization, operation, management and inspection of electrical activities for the high effectivenes...
Education and Sports Sector Development Plan (2016-2020)
This Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) for 2016-2020 draws on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the Education Sector Development Plan 2011-2015. Based...
Environmental Protection Law
The Environmental Protection Law specifies necessary principles, regulations and measures for managing, monitoring, restoring1 and protecting the environment in order to protect...
Decree On Sustainable Management Of Production Forest Areas No. 59/2002 [Lao PDR]
This Decree covers the identification, establishment, management and use of Production Forest Areas (PFA) and the key principles for monitoring the implementation of sustainable...
Wildlife and Aquatic Law (2007)
The Wildlife and Aquatic law determines principles, regulations and measures on wildlife and aquatic life in nature to promote the sustainable regeneration and utilization of wi...
Law on Food, 2004 [Lao PDR]
This law delineates the administration and inspection of activities relating to food in order to control the quality, standard, and safety of food; ensure consumer nutrition and...
Decree on Pesticide Management [Lao PDR]
This Decree, consisting of 73 articles divided into eleven Sections, defines the principles, regulations and measures regarding the use of pesticides, management and monitoring ...
Law on Agriculture, 1998 [Lao PDR]
The Law on Agriculture has the function of determining principles, rules, and measures regarding the organisation and activities of agricultural production which is the basis of...
Law on Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters, 2016 [Lao PDR]
This law defines the principles, rules and regulations related to the organization, management and inspection of livestock production and veterinary activities in order to boost...
Decision on industrial and commercial activities that required additional permission in the Lao PDR
This ministerial decision defines the new list entrepreneurial sectors requiring extra permits for business activities under the laws and regulations.
Decree on Wild Animals, Fisheries, Hunting and Fishing, 1989 [Lao PDR]
The Decree consists of nine articles and makes provision for the protection and development of the wildlife population, including endangered and restricted species. It aims at p...
Decision on Farming Management in Lao PDR, 2013 [lao]
This Decision No. 0209/MAF establishes the requirements to be satisfied to perform Farming Management in Lao PDR.