Complete environmental impact assessment report for Lower Sesan 2 hydropower project in Stung Treng province, Cambodia (Final report)
The main purpose of the Lower Sesan II hydropower project is to meet the medium- and long-term energy needs of the Kingdom of Cambodia, as well as to export some energy in exces...
Summary of policy to address the impact of the Lower Sesan II dam project
The Lower Sesan 2 Hydropower Project, located in Sesan district, Stung Treng province, was started in 2007 and approved by the Council of Ministers on November 02, 2012 to allow...
Strategic Environmental Assessments for power sector planning in the Greater Mekong Subregion
This document outlines the key characteristics of strategic environmental assessments (SEAs), discusses global trends in energy technologies and markets, and identifies priority...
Workshop report on extractive industrial and environmental data for better economy
The workshop on The Open of Extractive Industrial and Environmental Data for Better Economy, held on December 17th 2021 at Phnom Penh Era Hotel with a total of 46 participants, ...
Policy brief on extractive industrial and environmental data for better economy
This Policy Brief is the result of the discussions that took place at the Workshop on The Open Extractive Industrial and Environmental Data for Better Economy. The workshop aime...
Leaflet on public participation in environmental impact assessment procedures
Public participation is the consultation of stakeholders on the development projects, including ministries / institutions, local authorities, relevant departments, project owner...
Guidebook on addressing impacts of involuntary settlement for private development projects
This document includes regulations and processes, responsible institutions and mechanisms, practical experience and key recommendations for addressing with the impact of involun...
Leaflet on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures
This document includes definitions, environmental impact assessment principle, legal framework, environmental impact assessment process, and project types.
USAID GREENING PREY LANG Impact Assessment on Conservation Wellbeing Impacts in the Prey Lang Extended Landscape
This evaluation builds upon long-term research that has been conducted in Preah Vihear on the environmental and social impacts of protected areas and payment for ecosystem servi...
Report of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment: Impact of Development Projects on Marine Environmental Resources
This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, “Impacts of Development Projects on Marine Environmental Resources in Kampot and Kep,” is the evidence of an analysed and compar...
Get CLEAN and GREEN—Solid and Plastic Waste Management in Lao PDR
This synthesis document summarizes the findings of this extensive analytical work and provides recommendations for change to support the outcomes of the National Green Growth St...
USAID GREENING PREY LANG Rapid Assessment: Covid-19 impacts on community livelihoods and natural resources
USAID Greening Prey Lang (GPL) conducted a rapid assessment to survey community awareness on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), community member’s current livelihood activitie...
A Political Economy of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a central process in sustainable development to reduce and mitigate anticipated impacts of development projects. Every national governme...
[Draft] Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment: Exploration and Exploitation Project of Ilmenite
Samnang Re Tbong Thmor Import Export and Development Co., Ltd. conducted a preliminary environmental impact assessment under the exploration and exploitation project of ilmenite...
[Draft] Preliminary environmental and social impact assessment: Project investment on agro-industrial plantation (rubber)
Tan Bien Kampong Thom Aphivath Caoutchouc co., ltd issued an environmental and social impact assessment in purpose of assuring sustainability of rubber plantation. The aims of ...
[Draft] Environmental and social impact assessment: Agro-industry project of HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd in Kampong Speu province, Cambodia
HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. is a limited liability individual enterprise. The company is registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial registered capital of ...
[Draft] Initial environmental and social impact assessment (IEIA) on gold mining exploration of XING YUAN KANNG YEAK CO., LTD.
XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd., a foreign corporation (Cambodia-China) registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial investment of 20,000,000 Riels on January 10, 201...
[Draft] Initial environmental impact assessment on 230kV high voltage transmission lines project from Stung Hav substation to the western substation of Phnom Penh
Alex Corporation Co., LTD. has invested US$ 119,146,000. The company has experience in the construction of coal-fired power lines and hydropower projects. The 230-kilovolt trans...
[Draft] Initial environmental impact assessment (IEIA) on GMS tourism infrastructure for inclusive growth project
The Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) tourism infrastructure for Inclusive growth Project is formed by three countries including Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam to enhance tourism ...
[Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA): An investment project in rubber plant development and processing in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary, Sakream Commune, Prasat Balangk and Stoung District, Kampong Thom Province.
The objective of land use, BEAN HEACK Investment Co., Ltd, is to ensure sustainability of rubber plantations.