General Information on Myanmar Special Economic Zones
This document gives general information about SEZ in Myanmar, such as their quantity, names, investors etc. It aims to give investors an overview of all SEZs
Japan's ODA to Cambodia
This report shows Japan's ODA to Cambodia
ODA by sector to LMCs
This chart, created by ODM, shows each sector's percentage in total ODA from 2016 to 2017 of LMCs.
ASEAN Guidelines for Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Development and Collaboration
To help policy makers address these challenges, the Guidelines below outline good policy practices for SEZ policies in ASEAN.
ITTO Strategic Plan 2013-2018
International Tropical Timber Organization's strategic five-year plan.
ICT Development Index scores and data 2015
A series of data for the Lower Mekong extracted from the 2015 ITU report on ICT development. It includes broadband internet pricing, internet speeds and the ICT Development Inde...
Reservoirs of the Greater Mekong Subregion; Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar.
This point layer (GRanD_Reservoirs_v1_1) represents the locations and attribute information of reservoirs contained in the GRanD database, version 1.1. For details please refer ...
Demand-Driven Data: How Partner Countries are Gathering Chinese Development Cooperation Information
As part of the global initiative to support developing countries in their quest for greater information sharing about development cooperation flows, the Global Partnership for E...
SDG 8 dataset
Official available data as of June 2019 from UNSD for SDG 8
Urban Population in the Lower Mekong
Dataset on urban population in the Lower Mekong, from World Bank
Safeguarding People and the Environment in Chinese Investments
The aim of this guide is to help civil society organizations and community advocates gain an improved understanding of Chinese investors and China-led finance institutions and t...
Reckless Development: The IFC’s Dodgy Deals in Southeast Asia
Report on financial chain mapping on financiers of infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia.
Net official development assistance (ODA) and official aid received 2000-2017
From World Bank data, the net official development assistance (ODA) and official aid to Lower Mekong countries from 2000 to 2014. Includes dataset previously collated to 2014 as...
Myanmar successfully renegotiates debt, ownership terms for Kyaukphyu
This is an article regarding the renegotiation of terms for the KPSEZ.
MyanmarTimes Thilawa SEZ Articles
This library record contains two articles about recent investment in the Thilawa SEZ.
Investment (DICA)
This website contains government-prepared information regarding investment laws in Myanmar.
Special Economic Zones (DICA)
This web page contains government-prepared information regarding special economic zones in Myanmar.
Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone
This is the website that contains information regarding the Kyauk Phyu SEZ.
UN Webpages for the MDGs
UN Webpages for MDGs 2, 4, and 6.
SDG Goals
Contains archived webpages for the SDGs. Archives were taken on June 4, 2019.