Newsletter center for southest Asain study Kyoto University
Newsletter center for southest Asain study Kyoto University
Workshop on promoting gender equality and participation
Workshop on promoting gender equality and participation
Enhancing sustainable of diverse agriculture in Lao People's Democratic republic December 2005
To investigate the socio-economic impacts of recent development and the economic environment, including trade liberalization on upland agriculture at the village level. To iden...
Study on State Land Leases and Concessions in Lao PDR
In recent years, Lao PDR has experienced an increased demand for its main national resource, the country’s land. Vast areas of agricultural and forest land, rich in natural reso...
Laos in 2012: In the Name of Democracy
“The Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Peace, Independence, Democracy, Unity, Prosperity”. Since the 1975 revolution, “democracy” has hung as an unfulfilled p...
Decree on the organization and activities of the Greater Mekong sub-region (Lao People's Army) No. 115 / PM, 04/07/2008
This decree identifies the role of coordination and work of the Political Bureau of the Lao People's Army
Decree No. 207 / PM on the Management of Goods Prices
All violations of business operators, officials and relevant state employees, such as document falsification and abuse of positions, must be held accountable to the law.
Electricity Law No 03 / SSPP, December 8, 2008
The Law on Electricity sets out the principles, rules and measures on organization, movement, management and supervision of electricity works in order to make efficient electric...
Gender Equality & Ethnic Participation geed-day-2-slides-july29-v3-lao
The active participation of women and men must be facilitated and supported, even if they are from any ethnic group.
Decree on medicinal natural resources (pharmaceuticals, natural resources) No 155 / PM
Aims to identify measures to promote the management of the use of natural resources to preserve the abundance of sustainable wildlife.
Decree on the Development of the National Social and Economic Development Plan of the Seventh Five-year Plan (2011-2015) No 288 / June 14, 2011
It is the continuation of the achievement of the fifth consecutive 5-year history of the five-year plan, which is a major measure in the formulation of the social - economic s...
Forest Destruction (Criminal Code Article 139)
If the timber is illegally harvested according to forest regulations, it will be punished by three months to one year of imprisonment and will be punished according to forest re...
Decree No. 177 / Nov. 13, 2003 of the Decree on Investment Promotion and Protection of the Special Economic Zone of Savannakhet.
To set out special rules and policies on investment management within the country and abroad in the special economic zone.
Law on Environmental Protection No 02/99 / SRSS dated 3/4/1999
Environmental protection sets out the essential principles, rules and measures for management, inspection, restoration and environmental protection.
Decree No. 34 / PM on Export Promotion Fund, Vientiane Capital, dated 14/02/2006
The Decree on Export Promotion Fund regulates the establishment, management and management of funds aimed at mobilizing funds from various sources to be sufficiently stable and ...
Decree on Management of the Importation and Use of Chemicals Destroying Ozone Class No. 162 / ND of 13 October 2003
Decree on Management of the Importation and Use of Chemicals Destroying Ozone Class No. 162 / ND of 13 October 2003
Decree No. 25 / PM, 14/02/20, implementing the State Budget Law08
This Decree provides for the implementation of the State Budget Law to ensure a high degree of uniformity and efficiency throughout the country.
Decree on the organization and operation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No 148 / ND, May 20, 2007
Decree No. 148 / PM dated 20 May 2007 on the organization and operation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is intended to establish and create a plan for the Ministry o...
Land Law No. 04 / SSPP, October 21, 2003
In order to properly manage the land management, protection and use of land, to achieve the goals and laws and to contribute to the development of the national socio-economic de...
Decree No. 55 / PM on Anti-Money Laundering, Vientiane, 27/03/2006
This decree was issued to identify mechanisms and measures to combat anti-money laundering on economic and financial systems.