SDC geed workshop29 – 31 July, 2014 outline schedule for distribution
SDC GEED Workshop29 – 31 July, 2014 Outline Schedule for Distribution
Reform of State-Owned Forest Enterprises and Ethnic Minority Land Tenure Security In Vietnam
Paper presented during the World Bank conference on Land 2016. During revolution and national unification, Vietnamese government nationalized agricultural and forest land thro...
From customary law through "huong uoc" (village rules) to the state law
Huong uoc” is of the Viet (Kinh) majority people and the product of village culture. It was written in Han (Chinese), Nom (Demotic or ancient Vietnamese) or Vietnamese scripts, ...
Interview with grant evans
Transcript of an interview conducted with historian Grant Evans, an anthropologist who specialized in Laos and produced numerous academic works about the country. Published in t...
Documenting Customary Tenure in Myanmar: a guidebook
Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG)'s first edition guidebook to customary tenure in Myanmar provides conceptual, legal and practical tools and resources to help civil society ...
“Nothing Is Like It Was Before”: The Dynamics between Land-Use and Land-Cover, and Livelihood Strategies in the Northern Vietnam Borderlands
Land uses are changing rapidly in Vietnam’s upland northern borderlands. Regional development platforms such as the Greater Mekong Subregion, state-propelled market integration...
REDD PLUS and Cambodia: Engaging Community Views and Participation
With the Readiness Plan approved by the UN-REDD and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, in 2011 a group of civil society organisations (CSOs) identified a need to raise awar...
The expansion of mining activities and indigenous peoples’ rights in Mondulkiri province
This the cases study of Gati village, Keo Seima district and Pou Rapeth village, Pechreada District, Mondulkiri province in 2009. The objective of the case studies of Analyzing ...
Recognition of Customary Tenure in the Mekong Region: An Online Dialogue, Summary Report
Summary report of Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG)'s online dialogue on 'Recognition of Customary Tenure in the Mekong Region' held in 2017, containing justification for the...
Mekong Region Customary Tenure Workshop
The Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project and the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) co-hosted the “Mekong R...
Asia regional workshop: Indicators relevant for indigenous peoples, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Millennium Development Goals
Proceedings of a regional workshop on Held in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, 7-10 November 2006. The objectives of the Workshop were: (a) to learn about global wor...
Collection of manuals on a process and methodology for identifying and registering indigenous people communities as legal persons, and registration of indigenous people's communal land
The annex of Collection of manuals on a process and methodology for identifying and registering indigenous people communities as legal persons, and registration of indigenous p...
Protecting Land Rights in Ratanakiri, Cambodia
Ratanakiri is divided into 9 districts covering 240 villages and approximately 100,000 people. Of these, 65% are minority hill tribes comprising groups such as the Jarai, Tamp...
Lessons learnt of communal land titling for indigenous community in La In village Ratanakiri province, Northeast Cambodia
Documentation on lessons learnt was done in order to enhance the knowledge of indigenous people and other stakeholders so they would understand the process of land titling for i...
Remark on Indigenous ethnic minority communal land rights: policy and achievements
In order to temporarily protect the land use rights of the indigenous ethnic minority communities, the General Secretariat of the Council for Land Policy and the MLMUPC shall wo...
Land acquistion by non-local actors and consequences for local development: Impacts of economic land concessions on the livelihoods of indigenous communities in northeast provinces of Cambodia
A study summarising existing information related to land issues and governance of indigenous communities, and assessing the impact of economic land concessions on indigenous com...
Choosing survival: Finding a way to overcome current economic and political quagmires in Myanmar
This paper describes the current challenges Myanmar faces to shift to a system more inclusive of multiple interest groups. The authors provide background on the situation in Mya...
Large-scale land grabbing in Cambodia: failure of international and national policies to secure the indigenous peoples' rights to access land and resources
Indigenous communities in Cambodia are legally recognized and should thus have been protected by the Land Law and the Forestry Law, entitling them to communal land titles. A num...
Cambodia, third phase of the Mekong integrated water resources management project, indigenous people’s policy framework
This document provides the Indigenous Peoples Policy Framework for the third phase of the Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Project in Cambodia. This framework will b...
Laos 7th national socio-economic development plan (2011-2015), abridged version
The report is about the Laos 7th national socio-economic development plan (2011-2015). The aims are to achieve sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty (and inequality), a...