Private investment in the resources sector and the poverty- environment nexus (PEN) in Laos
Laos,a poor country with a transitional economy,has faced many issues in its development trajectory, including widespread poverty and increasing environmental degradation. Links...
Commercial scale community bamboo harvesting factsheet
This case study provides accounts of ForInfo's work in Bokeo province, Lao PDR, to regenerate forests harmed by shifting cultivation and forest fires, and to bolster sustainable...
Interview with Grant Evans Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Hong Kong, and Senior Research Fellow at l'Ecole Française d'Extrème Orient (EFEO), Vientiane, Laos
Why get interested in Laos? how did this research develop?The rest of the story is described in Lao Peasants under Socialism
The implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decree on International Non-Governmental Organizations
The implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decree on International Non-Governmental Organizations
Newsletter center for southest Asain study Kyoto University
Newsletter center for southest Asain study Kyoto University
Workshop on promoting gender equality and participation
Workshop on promoting gender equality and participation
Sustainable development of the Lao tea sector 2016
Lao PDR has significant potential to improve and expand its tea sector and in doing so, build on the important contribution this sector makes to the developm...
Rubber production in northern laos: geographies of growth and constractual diversity june 2009
Rubber was first grown in northern Laos in 1994. A few villages that began to grow this year, the most famous of which is Ban 1Had Nyao, due to its ability to successfully profi...
Land, livelihoods and access to resources in Laos PDR - Large-scale land acquisitions in a dynamic context of agrarian transformation
In the context of a global rush for natural resources, the Northern Uplands of Laos have been regarded as one of the last resource frontiers to be incorporated into the regional...
Phou San Wild Tea Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR from early days to current production and market development 2016
Phou San Wild Tea is named after Phou San Mountain (2,218 m.a.s.l.) which is located in an area of unique biodiversity in the upland areas of Paek district, northern Xieng Kho...
Evaluation of the project to support the implementation of the timber strategy
Allocation of forest management has created two positive impacts: protecting the environment, improving livelihoods, and providing compensation for villagers who are well-organized
Rubber, rights and resistance: the evolution of local struggles against a Chinese rubber concession in Northern Laos 29 Apr 2015.
Since 2000, land deals across all sectors of the Lao economy have increased by 50-fold, and are conservatively estimated to cover more than 1.1 million ha, or 5 percent of Lao t...
Land degradation in the Lao PDR: Discourses and policy
t is notably argued that forest clearing increases rainfall runoff which, in turn, fosters soil erosion. Increased runoff also alters hydrological regimes and increases the fr...
Natural resource goverance
In urban areas, the state’s water suppliers are private companies. On the plains where the state’s major agricultural production is concentrated, irrigation water supply is ...
The Bombing of Laos and the browning of one volunteer
This paper recounts a story that is both old and new - a story of U.S. bombing of Laos during the Indochina War and how it came to affect one young volunteer, namely, myself.
Farmers and agribusiness - meta study 2014
finding: Commercial agriculture have mixed results. Most of the commodities produced are for regional markets. The traditional distinction between “uplands” and “lowlands” is no...
Lao Development Report 2014
Although recent media reports of a perceived “skills problem” in Lao PDR have spurred an in-tense focus on the role of the education sector in creating the right skills, this fo...
Bamboo project evaluation 2015
Four value chains are developed: Handicraft products for domestic market and export, using different species of bamboo.Slats and sticks for export to Vietnam. Fresh kh...
Agriculture and forestry research strategy to cope climate risk
Smallholder-based production with low productivity; minimal farmer experience with modern agriculture technologies and marketing, Post-harvest loss still high and lack of value-...
Plantation rubber, land grabbing and social-property transformation in southern Laos
This paper shows how land concessions in Laos, and global land grabbing more broadly, can be analyzed through various lenses of accumulation-, dispossession- and exclusion-orie...