Guide on Responsible Agriculture and Forestry Investment in Lao PDR
This guide studied and compiled relevant Lao investment principles, regulations, and laws; investment principles from ASEAN and the international level; and Chinese government g...
Contract farming in Laos: Responding to a rising agricultural trend
This discussion note explores common practices of contract farming (CF) in Laos, which have rapidly expanded for export crops across many provinces since the early 2000s. The an...
What is the Forest Cover of Lao PDR? Understanding forest area figures
This leaflet identifies how the selection of forest definition affect efforts towards achieving the government’s 70 percent forest cover target. What figures for forest area sho...
A Political Economy of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a central process in sustainable development to reduce and mitigate anticipated impacts of development projects. Every national governme...
Planned resettlement, unexpected migrations and cultural trauma in Laos
Though not officially considered a 'policy' by the Lao government, resettlement of ethnic minorities has become a central feature of the rural development strategy in Laos. Over...
Challenges and Opportunities of Recognizing and Protecting Customary Tenure Systems in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
This policy brief was developed in order to enable a meaningful engagement and policy dialogue with government institutions and other relevant stakeholders about challenges and ...
Securing Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers The Secure Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) Project Experience in Laos, the Philippines, and Uganda
The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) is considered as one of the pilot land management platforms that has been initiatively developed as capacity building and tool development ...
From Landlocked to Land-linked: Unlocking the potential of Lao-China railway connectivity
This analytical report is produced by world bank which compiles 5 chapters starting from the broader economic context of the railway sector and evaluating the complementary ref...
2021 economic report on socio-economic situation and environmental impact caused by COVID-19 outbreak
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ZONED OUT: A comprehensive impact evaluation of Mekong economic development zone
This report presents a study that applies publicly available information to assess foreign-invested economic development zones (EDZs) across the Mekong region. Analysis of EDZ's...
Assessment of the new Land Law and Forestry Law in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Customary Tenure Rights over Land and Forests
The report explains the differences between the new Land Law and Forestry Law and their predecessor laws (the Land Law 2003 and the Forestry Law 2007). Compare the new Land La...
Mekong Women in Open Data
Gender inequality underscores the lives of women all over the world. It is rooted in systems of governance and cultural norms that function to perpetuate this inequality. The sy...
Facilitating agreements for community–private sector partnerships in forest landscapes in Lao PDR
This book is a guidance to help practitioners facilitate partnership agreements for the sustainable trade of forest products and/or services in the context of forest landscape r...
Special Economic Zones and Land Dispossession in The Mekong Region
Special economic zones (SEZs) have become a one-size-fit-all policy solution for governments eager to expand their industrial economy. Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet...
Women Migration and Women's Land Tenure Security in the greater Mekong sub-region
This report considers the interlinkages between migration, gender, and land tenure. The study on which the report is based explored how migration affects women’s land tenure sec...
Impact of COVID-19 on Children, Adolescents, and their family in Lao PDR
This report estimates the potential effect of COVID-19 on socioeconomic indicators of interest in Lao PDR along with secondary data sources, existing data and information to ide...
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Bridging the gap: How to get climate services to farmers
This booklet presents the methodologies used by the project “Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and f...
Lao PDR Economic Monitor: Livelihoods in the Time of COVID-19
The Lao PDR Economic Monitor provides updates on macroeconomic developments and sectoral issues in the country. It is produced biannually and distributed widely to government ag...
Credit crunch: Chinese infrastructure lending and Lao sovereign debt
This article identifies the root of the government debt crisis focusing on the role of hydropower in form of the provision of the new short term credit of china. Outlining the o...