Resolution of the Partys Central Committee on the Enhancement of Land Management and Development in New Period
Lao land territory is the most important foundation symbolizing the nation; land is the ownership of national community which is the expression of independence and sovereignty o...
Decree on the establishment of Nam Et Phou Louey Park [Lao]
This decree officially establishes Nam Et Phou Louey Park in the northern Laos
Decree on the establishment of Nakai-Nam Theun Park [Lao]
This decree officially establishes Nakai-Nam Theun Park in the central region of Laos.
Law on Rail, 2018 [Lao PDR]
This law defines principles, rules and measures regarding the administration, monitoring, supervision, inspection of rail.
Law on Health Care, 2005 [Lao PDR]
The Law on Health Care determines the principles, regulations and different measures relating to the organisation, activities, management and control of health care activities, ...
Law on Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease, 2017 [Lao PDR]
This law determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring, and supervision of prevention and control of communicable disease, to ensure its impl...
Law on Hygiene, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2011 [Lao PDR]
This Law determines the principles, rules and measures relating to the organization and activities on hygiene disease prevention and health promotion in order to maintain the go...
Law on Vaccination, 2018 [Lao PDR]
This law determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring, and supervision of vaccination activities to ensure the implementation in a thorough,...
Law on Health Care, 2014 [Lao PDR]
This law, replacing the Law on Health Care 2005, determines the principles, regulations and different measures relating to the organisation, activities, management and control o...
Law on HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention, 2010 [Lao PDR]
This law defines effective principles, regulations, measures, management and monitoring of HIV/AIDS control and prevention in order to reduce HIV infection, and AIDS with the ai...
Law on Food, 2013 [Lao PDR]
This law determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring, and control of food and food-related activities in terms of quality and efficiency, a...
Law on Medicines and Medical Products, 2011 [Lao PDR]
This Law determines the principles, rules and measures relating to the use, management, monitor and inspection of medicines and medical products with the aims to ensure the supp...
Law on Alcoholic Control, 2014 [Lao PDR]
This law determines the principles, regulations and measures on the control, management, monitoring, and supervision of the production, import, sales, advertisement of alcoholic...
Law on Health Coverage, 2018 [Lao PDR]
This law determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring, and supervision of health coverage to ensure the implementation in a systematic, qual...
Law on Tobacco Control, 2009 [Lao PDR]
This law determines the principles, regulations and measures on the control, management, monitoring, and supervision of the production, import, sales, advertisement of tobacco p...
Education For All: National Plan of Action 2003-2015
The National EFA Action Plan contains the Government’s policy and strategic framework for action for basic education which covers development targets and programmes for six basi...
Notice on providing land information to citizens as individuals or organizations in Laos
This notice is all about to ensure Land Officers do their jobs well to provide information to citizen in Laos; and if finds any Land officer does the prohibition rule mentioned ...
Instruction on Management and Use of Donated Fund for Disaster Relief
The instruction determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management and use of donated fund for victim relief to ensure the unity, economy, transparancy, accur...
Decree on Climate Change [Lao PDR, 2019]
The decree determines the principles, regulations and measures on the management, monitoring and inspection of tasks related with climate change, to prevent, protect and decreas...
Law on Disaster Risk Management [Lao PDR, 2019]
The law determines the principles, regulations and measures on disaster risk management to enforce the effective, efficient and proactive actions, under the provision of informa...