Mekong-India Economic Corridor (Concept Paper)
The Mekong-India Economic Corridor (MIEC) involves integrating the four Greater Mekong Countries viz. Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam (here-in after referred as Mekong C...
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Vietnam
ADB supports Viet Nam in promoting job creation and competitiveness, increasing the inclusiveness of infrastructure and service delivery, and improving environmental sustainabil...
Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet: Myanmar
ADB supports Myanmar in promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with focus on infrastructure, education and training, and agriculture and rural development.
Logistics Capacity Assessment: Lao People's Democratic Republic
The Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) is a long-standing tool of WFP Logistics. Since 2008, it has provided an important source of information related to the logistics infrast...
Lao PDR to strengthen climate-resilient road network and connectivity
Archived news article from the Nordic Development Fund providing details of the financing of the Lao Road Sector 2 projects to develop climate resilient road infrastructure in r...
Lao Road Assessment
The Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) is a long-standing tool of WFP Logistics. Since 2008, it has provided an important source of information related to the logistics infrast...
Ministry of Public Works and Transport Presents Business Case for National Road 13 Public Private Partnership in Lao PDR
Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s Ministry of Public Works and Transport made the business case to Government Meeting recently to implement the improvements of National Road 13...
The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s vision for globalisation, Beijing-style
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a multifaceted economic, diplomatic and geopolitical undertaking that has morphed through various iterations, from the “New Silk Road” ...
High speed rail could bankrupt Laos, but it’ll keep China happy
Despite impressive economic growth rates over the last decade, a third of Laos’s population still lives below the extreme poverty line of US$1.25 per day. Most of the extreme po...
PROJECT SIGNING: Lao PDR will Further Improve Rural Roads, Water Systems and Agriculture Livelihoods of Rural Poor, with New World Bank Support
Archived content: World Bank press release announcing a $30 million agreement with the Laos government for rural infrastructure including roads and water and sanitation.
Law Adopting the ASEAN Protocol 1 on Designation of Transit Transport Routes and Facilities
The Contracting Parties hereby agree to formalise the initial respective road or highway routes, as basis for the designation of transit transport routes for purpose of this Pro...
Law Adopting the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport
This Agreement shall apply to: (a) All multimodal transport operators under the register of each competent national body; and (b) All contracts of multimodal transport for the p...
Law Adopting the Protocol 3 of ASEAN on Types and Quantity of Road Vehicles
The law was promulgated to integrate the Protocol 3 of ASEAN on Types and Quantity of Road Vehicle into the national law. The protocol stipulates the Type of Vehicle to be used ...
Sub-Decree No. 01 on the Establishment of Business Center of Phnom Penh Port
The purpose of this Sub-Decree is to secure business, marine security maintenance, Public order and about the Establishment of Business Center of Phnom Penh Port in the Kingdom ...
Royal Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the National Council of Science and Technology
The purpose of this Royal Decree is to create and determine the Organization and the Functioning of the National Council of science and technology in order to impro...
Law Adopting the Protocol on Amending Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
This Agreement shall apply to all manufactured products, including capital goods, processed agricultural products, and those products failing outside the definition of agricultu...
Sub-Decree on Construction Permit
All private and public person, physical or legal shall have the rights to construct a building on their own titled land and such rights shall be protec...
Sub-Decree on the Establishment of Phnom Penh Port
The sub-decree was created to establish a state-owned company, "Phnom Penh Autonomous Port", which operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport a...
Sub-Decree on Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Contract
This sub-decree applies on Build-Operate-Transfer contracts between the State or public legal entities as ones who provide concessions and public legal entities as concessionair...
Sub-Decree on the Oraganization and Functioning of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
This sub-decree sets up units of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and sets the mission of the Ministry and the functions of Departments and General Departments.