Traditional Customary Laws and Indigenous Peoples in Asia
For years, traditional laws – or customary laws – in Asia have been eroded. This report argues that remaining customary laws should be retained and discusses the extent to which...
Sub-decree No.19 on Social Land Concessions
This sub decree has the objective to define the criteria, procedures and mechanism granting of social land concessions for residential use and/family farming. There are two type...
Investment Promotion Act and BOI Announcements
This web page comprises the Investment Promotion Act and BOI Announcements.
Briefing paper: Cambodia's Draft Law on the Management and Use of Agricultural Land
In late 2011, the Cambodian government quietly released a draft Law on the Management and Use of Agricultural Land that would have serious implications for private landholders. ...
Guidelines for the establishment of participatory water management regulations
Guidelines for the establishment of participatory water management regulations is the important step for establish of strong , prevent and protect another water resources
The President's Decree on Land Taxes
This Decree defines the land tax to be uniformly administered across the country, ensuring that regular income from land taxes has been allocated at the same time as the center,...
Land Law
The Land Law is to set the effective land use, protection and utilization regime to contribute to the integration of the National Socio-Economic Development Network
Guidelines for the Forestry Department to Implement the Law Enforcement of Labor Law and to Supervise the Company
Guidelines for the Forestry Department to Implement the Law Enforcement of Labor Law and to Supervise the Company
Draft Law on Cybercrime
This law has a purpose to determine education, prevention measures and combat all kinds of offense commit by computer system. This law has objectives to ensure the implementatio...
Wood trading rules.
Wood trading rules.
The constitutional decree.
The constitutional decree.
Law on Nationality
This law is aimed to determine Khmer citizens who meet the requirements of this law living in the territory of the Kingdom of Cambodia or abroad.
Laos regulatory impact assessment (RIA) 2013
To address this requires better consideration of the purpose, impacts and compliance/enforcement costs of regulations.
Thai Forest Act 1941
English translation of the Thai Forest Act of 1941
The use of certification certificates, economic and technical reviews in the promotion of industrial tree planting
The Company must operate in accordance with the laws on domestic and foreign investment laws and legislation in Lao PDR and must comply with the conditions set out in this certi...
From customary law through "huong uoc" (village rules) to the state law
Huong uoc” is of the Viet (Kinh) majority people and the product of village culture. It was written in Han (Chinese), Nom (Demotic or ancient Vietnamese) or Vietnamese scripts, ...
Vietnam Forest Law 2004
English version of the Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Law (2004)
National report of Thailand. Review of administrative decisions of government by the Administrative Court of Thailand, report to the 10th Congress of IASAJ
This report provides an overview of the scope of the jurisdictional competence of the Administrative Court of Thailand with the emphasis on its power to review the administrativ...
Regulation on the approval procedure for proposed clean development mechanism (CDM) project activities in Laos
The purpose of this regulation is to define the necessary principles, rules, measures and procedures for operation of the CDM framework for the national approval of proposed CDM...
Sub-Decree No. 25 on Community Fisheries Management
This Sub Decrees states about the rules and procedures to establish and manage the fisheries community in the Kingdom of Cambodia.