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9 datasets found

Topics: Types of state-protected areas Search Result For: dataset

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  • Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)

    This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...

  • Community protected areas (2006-2021)

    This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...

  • Management zones of natural protected areas (2019-2023)

    The dataset​ shows​ the​ management​ zones​ of​ the​ natural​ protected​ areas​ in​ 4​ classifications​ such​ as​ core​ zone,​ conservation​ zone,​ sustainable​ use​ zone,​ and​...

  • Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia

    This dataset collects data on the reclassifying of protected areas by increasing the area and decreasing the area of ​​protected areas in Cambodia, such as: protected landscape,...

  • Thailand Permanent Forest

    This dataset indicated Permanent Forest of Thailand

  • National Protected Areas of Vietnam

    Dataset is polygon data with geospatial referecing. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spatial dataset on marine and terrestrial prote...

  • Protected Areas in Laos

    This GIS data is the vector representation of protected areas including national protected areas, national protection forests, and national production forests in Laos. The bound...

  • World Protected Area and Heritage Site of Vietnam

    Dataset is polygon data with geospatial referecing. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spatial dataset on marine and terrestrial prote...

  • Special Use Forest Vietnam

    Data on overlapping land use rights in special-use forests (SUFs) in 2014 is a dataset which is collected by a research of PanNature. The data is referenced in the coordinate sy...

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