World Development Indicators
World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), 2015.
Total greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990)
The EDGARv4.3.2 emissions dataset are calculated for the three main greenhouse gases per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on...
Global Environmental Fund Climate Change funded projects
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a partnership of 18 agencies - including United Nations agencies, multilateral development banks, national entities, and international N...
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)
The Emissions Time Series, EDGAR aims to inform scientists and policy makers on the evolution of the emission inventories over time for all world countries.
ODM Library resources document types
The table contains a list of ODM document types categorising all documents and resources in the ODM library.
GMS Main Tourist Sites
This dataset contains 120 major GMS tourism sites.
GMS Aqueduct Atlas
The Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (Aqueduct) is a robust communication tool that represents water-related risk through hydrological indicators. The framework comprises of 12 indicat...
Watershed summaries of LMB countries
A collection of summaries of the watersheds within the five LMB countries.
GMS database of large urban areas, 1950-2050 population estimates
This database represents the historic, current and future estimates and projections with number of inhabitants for the world's largest urban areas from 1950-2050. The data cover...
Global Food Security Product
The Global Food Security support Analysis Data Product provides spatial distribution of a disaggregated five class global cropland extent map derived at nominal 1km based on f...
Erosion Risk
This dataset shows the risk of erosion around within the Greater Mekong Region, from low to high. Erosion and sedimentation by water involves the process of detachment, transpor...
Total precipitation monthly
The Monthly Summaries of Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)-Daily is a dataset derived from GHCN-Daily. The data are produced by computing simple averages or monthly a...
Vegetation Health Index
The satellite-based global VH System is designed to monitor, diagnose and predict long- and short-term land environmental conditions and climate-dependent socioeconomic activiti...
Aqua Monitor Surface Water Gain (1985-2016)
The Deltares Aqua Monitor is an open tool that detects land and water conversions globally, during the last 30 years at 30m resolution. Results of the Aqua Monitor only show com...
Deltas at Risk
The Delta at Risk study is a global, systematic assessment of how delta risk is increasing due to sea-level rise and human drivers of delta land subsidence. Risk is expected to ...
Mining Extraction and Poverty - A contradictory relationship and policy concerns
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Equator Principles 2013
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Báo cáo Đánh giá môi trường chiến lược của thủy điện dòng chính Mê Kông 2010
Báo cáo Đánh giá Môi trường Chiến lược (SEA) đối với những đề xuất dự án phát triển thủy điện trên dòng chảy chính Sông Mê Kông được Ủy hội Sông Mê Kông (MRC) thực hiện trong vò...
This dataset has no description
Provincial administration of Vietnam
Provincial administration is polygon dataset containing limit of provinces in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, province name.