CCI Land cover - 300 m annual global land cover time series from 1992 to 2015
In the framework of the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) of the European Space Agency, the CCI Land Cover partnership is pleased to announce the official release of the CCI 300 m...
Covid-19 Hospital Surveillance Network for Institut Pasteur du Laos
This dataset indicates the locations of Covid-19 hospital surveillance network for Institut Pasteur du Laos. The network hospitals include civil and military hospital. There are...
Detailed procedures for applying for an entry-exit permit to Lao PDR_16.12.2020
The guideline outlines the procedures for applying for entry and exit permits to the Lao PDR (where necessary) for Lao people and foreigners.
Regional Land Cover
The dataset contains a raster version of the GlobCover land cover map produced for the year 2009, clipped to the Greater Mekong Region. The land cover image is derived from the ...
Hansen Forest Cover Gain 2000-2012: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar
Forest gain during the period 2000–2012, defined as the inverse of loss, or a non-forest to forest change entirely within the study period. Encoded as either 1 (gain) or 0 (no g...
Hansen Tree Cover 2000: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar
A dataset visualising tree cover across the Greater Mekong Subregion at 30 x 30m resolution. For the purpose of this study, “tree cover” was defined as all vegetation taller tha...
Aqua Monitor Surface Land Gain (1985-2016)
The Deltares Aqua Monitor is an open tool that detects land and water conversions globally, during the last 30 years at 30m resolution. Results of the Aqua Monitor only show com...
Global Surface Water Mask
The 250m water mask product utilizes the SWBD (SRTM Water Body Data) and complement it with information from 250m MODIS data to create a complete representation of global surfac...
Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) An Overview of Negative and Positive Drivers
Forests in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) have been undergoing change in the last 25 years due to various factors. Positive and negative changes occur at the same time. Ther...
National Social Protection Strategy of Lao PDR, Vision 2030, Goal 2025
The NSPS sets strategic objectives for social protection – in the areas of health insurance, social security and social welfare – and outlines the activities to achieve these ob...
Electrification (CLMTV)
Electrification in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam in percent as well as numbers. Percentages are available for the world.
Decree No.606 on Group and Union
This government decree indicates the principles, regulations and measures on the establishment, operation, management and monitoring of groups and cooperatives in order to promo...
Posters: 9 Tips to Stay Safe Online in the Age of COVID-19
9 Tips to Stay Safe Online in the Age of COVID-19
Briefing Package: Assessment of Environment and Land-Related Policy, Legal & Regulatory Frameworks, Gaps & Needs of Agricultural Investment Stakeholders in Lao PDR (E-RAI Project)
This Briefing Packet outlines key findings and recommendations of the E-RAI project in four key topics: 1. Analysis of Legal and Regulatory Frameworks in Laos 2. Assessment of...
Environment and agricultural investment in Lao PDR: An assessment of impacts, gaps and needs of agricultural investors, local authorities and communities affected by investments
This report describes the current situation of environmental impacts arising from agricultural investments in northern Lao PDR, and identifies key gaps and needs of stakeholders...
Responsible Agricultural Investment in Lao PDR: Overview and Implications for Policy Making
A policy brief highlighting recommendations to achieve responsible agricultural investment in Lao PDR.
Study on Repatriation and Social Reintegration Assistance: Lao Victims of Trafficking Returned from Thailand
Social reintegration is a key strategy of both the Lao and Thai governments in combating trafficking in persons and protecting victims of trafficking (VOTs). Processes, requirem...
Laos Population and Poverty Rate 2019
This dataset consists of quantitative information related to population and poverty such as total population, total households, number of female, and poverty rate. The informati...
Protected Areas in Laos
This GIS data is the vector representation of protected areas including national protected areas, national protection forests, and national production forests in Laos. The bound...
Geo-referencing of Ethnic Groups of Laos
This ethnicity dataset (GREG) is a digital version of the paper Soviet Narodov Mira atlas created in 1964. In 2010 the GREG (Geo-referencing of ethnic groups) project, used maps...