Updated Information about COVID-19 Laos
This data set includes information on COVID infectious people by sex, daily tracking reports, numbers of vaccinated people by provinces.
Global Distribution of Coral Reefs (2018)
This dataset shows the global distribution of coral reefs in tropical and subtropical regions. It is the most comprehensive global dataset of warm-water coral reefs to date, act...
Metallic and Non Metallic Mining Development Potential Index
Metallic Mining Development Potential Index: This global dataset continuously ranks from >0 (minimal) to 1 (highest) all suitable lands at a 1-km resolution for metallic mining...
Geo-referencing of Ethnic Groups in Mekong Region
The “Geo-referencing of ethnic groups” (GREG) dataset employs geographic information systems (GIS) to represent group territories as polygons.
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) in Mekong Region
Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous reference scale for estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index increases for each day without rain (the amou...
Laos Administrative Boundaries (Country, Province and District)
Laos administrative level 0 (country), 1 (province / khoueng or prefecture / kampheng nakhon), and 2 (district / muang) boundary shapefiles.
Laos Administrative Boundaries (Village)
The village boundary of Laos based on the population census 2015.
Impact of COVID-19 on Children, Adolescents, and their family in Lao PDR
This report estimates the potential effect of COVID-19 on socioeconomic indicators of interest in Lao PDR along with secondary data sources, existing data and information to ide...
Climate Resilience Zones of Lao PDR 2015
This dataset provides Climate Resilience Zones of Lao PDR 2015, by WFP
Greater Mekong Subregion Rail Links 2012
A geospatial dataset containing polygons of known, existing, planned and potential rail network links throughout the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Railway Lines of Laos
A geospatial dataset containing polylines of known, existing, planned and potential rail network links throughout Laos.
This dataset has no description
Tiger Conservation Landscape
These three data sets produced by WWF and RESOLVE showing the location of the current tiger habitat and priority areas for habitat conservation. Tiger Conservation Landscapes (T...
Bridging the gap: How to get climate services to farmers
This booklet presents the methodologies used by the project “Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and f...
PM order on increasing the prevention, control and comprehensive preparedness measures against Covid-19 (Lockdown)
The notice stipulates 18 measures for Covid-19 prevention and control that will come into force from 6am on 22nd April and remain in force until midnight, 5 May of 2021.
Lao PDR Economic Monitor: Livelihoods in the Time of COVID-19
The Lao PDR Economic Monitor provides updates on macroeconomic developments and sectoral issues in the country. It is produced biannually and distributed widely to government ag...
Credit crunch: Chinese infrastructure lending and Lao sovereign debt
This article identifies the root of the government debt crisis focusing on the role of hydropower in form of the provision of the new short term credit of china. Outlining the o...
Lao’s Agricultural Statistics Year book 2013 - 2019
This dataset consists of agriculture information in Laos based on the statistics yearbook between 2013 and 2019. That information composed of area, yield, and production by prov...
Laos Confirmed Cases of Covid19
It is a collection of archived news websites about the number of confirmed cases of Covid19 in Laos.
Laos Special Economic Zones
This datasets provides information about 12 special economic zones (SEZs) in Laos PDR. Those information include SEZ name, establishment date, location, investment in millions U...