Roads, Bridges, Ports and People
During some of the heaviest bombing the world has ever seen, roads, bridges and ports were obliterated in Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia. Today, in a dramatic reversal of fortune, ...
Infrastructure to aid Mekong development
Construction of two bridges linking Cao Lãnh City and Lấp Vò District in Đồng Tháp Province and Đồng Tháp with Cần Thơ, which are under way, will be a big boost to transportatio...
Export Performance and Trade Facilitation Reform
The authors estimate the impact of aggregate indicators of “soft” and “hard” infrastructure on the export performance of developing countries. They build four new indicators fo...
Investors to SEZs
This data set contains data about percentage of investment by each of the top investors to SEZs in Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia
ODA by sector to LMCs
This chart, created by ODM, shows each sector's percentage in total ODA from 2016 to 2017 of LMCs.
U.S. gives Laos extra $90 million to help clear unexploded ordnance
This is a news article on US commitment to provide USD 90 million assistance to support UXO clearance in Laos.
National Survey of UXO Victims and Accidents Phase 1
A comprehensive, village-level survey has been conducted in a low-income country with a poorly developed communications network, covering events in a 45-year time-span. Such a s...
Victim Assistance (VA) in Lao PDR
The presentation slides update on UXO victim assistance in Laos, as of 2018.
UXO Sector Annual Report 2017
This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2017.
UXO Sector Annual Report 2015
This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2015.
UXO Sector Annual Report 2014
This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2014.
Unexploded Ordnance: In-depth
This is UNDP press article on its project for Improving safety through UXO removal in Laos.
UN accepts demining on SDG agenda
This news article inform on the commitment of SDGs on UXO in Cambodia
US Bombs Continue to Kill in Laos 50 Years After Vietnam War
This article features the impacts of unexploded remnants on Lao people despite several decades after the secret US-Indochina war
Dubrovnik Action Plan
The Dubrovnik Action Plan establishes a list of priorities for both States parties and other implementation actors, and also serves as a tool to monitor progress. Substantively,...
Reduce the Impact of UXO
This page informs the progress of MGDs on UXO impact reduction.
National Strategic Plan for the UXO Sector in the Lao PDR 2011-2020 The Safe Path Forward II
This strategy aims to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the other development objectives captured in the NSEDP in accordance with the ...
UXO Sector Annual Report 2013
This report reviews the progress of UXO sector in Lao PDR for 2013.
The Multi-Year Work Plan for the Unexploded Ordnance in Lao PDR (2016-2020) and the Vision 2030
The Multi-Year Work Plan for the Unexploded Ordnance in Lao PDR (2016-2020) and the Vision 2030
Sustainable Hydropower Master Plan for the Xe Kong Basin Lao PDR
The Master Plan was developed by the Natural Heritage Institute (NHI) and a team of international experts in full collaboration with the Government of Lao PDR (GoL). The purpos...