List of Languages with 2-digit codes (ISO 639-1)
The dataset contains a list of ISO 639-1 standardized nomenclature classification of languages relevant to the ODM platform.
Regional Experiences and Lessons on Contract Farming and Other Inclusive Agribusiness Models
This report by the Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA) and Grow Asia provides a review of the literature regarding experiences of contract farming and other ...
Indo-Burma Wetland Outlook 2022: Towards Wise Use of Indo-Burma's Wetlands
Understanding the current situation of wetlands in the region is key to effectively integrating wetlands within countries' agendas on biodiversity, climate change adaptation and...
Prospects and drivers for agricultural change in the Mekong region. The case of sugar, rice and rubber
This paper highlights the most imminent threats to the Mekong eco-region, with a particular focus on likely changes in the production of sugarcane, rice and rubber as well as ot...
Mountain agriculture: Opportunities for harnessing Zero Hunger in Asia
Mountain food security and nutrition are core issues that can contribute positively to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals but paradoxically are often ignored i...
Decree No.389 on Environmental Impact Assessment
This decree divides into 12 sessions and consists of 82 articles. It defines the principles, regulations and procedures regarding the management and monitoring of environmental ...
The Bank of Laos announces the suspension of all activities of Phu Si Company in relation with cryptocurrency trade
1. The letter No. 906 issued by the Bank of Laos (Department of Payment System Management) to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Business Registration and Mana...
Experimentation of Digital asset business transaction
This decision was issued by The Ministry of Technology and Communication which provides regulatory guidance in relation to digital asset transactions utilizing blockchain techno...
Trading and Payment in Crypto
Notification of the Bank of Laos to individuals, traders, employees, soldiers and police throughout Laos to be conscious in trading and to avoid payments in cryptocurrency.
Digging experiment project on crypto; request to applying for a power purchase agreement with a company that offers high electricity price conditions for use in data processing activities or crypto currency
Prime Minister's Office announced 6 companies was authorized to mine, use and trade crypto currency in Lao PDR based on the Prime Minister's direction on the 9th September 2021....
Notice on prohibition of financial institutions within the country conducting business related to Cryptocurrency
Bank of the Lao PDR issued a notice on the prohibition of financial institutions from doing business related to CryptoCurrency including holding, doing business or engaging in t...
Statistics Law (Amended Version) 2017
This Statistics Law defines rules, regulations, and measures regarding the organization, management, and inspection of the statistical activities that are systematically estab...
ODM License list
The CSV file contains a list of all licenses that the ODM site has come across when loading resources into CKAN.
U4: Corruption and water governance in the Mekong River Basin
The Mekong River Basin is shared between six countries and displays remarkable and globally relevant cultural and biological diversity. Its natural resources are largely governe...
Prospects for Regional Cooperation on Environmental Impact Assessment in Mainland Southeast Asia
This article begins from the premise that there are potential benefits to transnational cooperation to address environmental impacts, whether they are felt within a single count...
Case study: A glimpse into women's customary forest tenure practices in Lao PDR: Access, use, and management rights of women in customary tenure systems in Mai District, Phongsali province.
This case study will first examine village level perceptions of customary land tenure in two villages in the Mai district of Phongsali province. It will then unpack customary l...
Women and Rivers Storytelling Platform Co-Design and Profiles Report
The Women and Rivers Storytelling Platform emerged as an idea during the Women and Rivers Congress - Asia in 2020, that women need a place to connect with each other to share kn...
Strategic Environmental Assessments for power sector planning in the Greater Mekong Subregion
This document outlines the key characteristics of strategic environmental assessments (SEAs), discusses global trends in energy technologies and markets, and identifies priority...
Lao PDR Economic Monitor: Restoring Macroeconomic Stability to Support Recovery
As the Lao economy begins its recovery from the effects of the worldwide slowdown caused by COVID-19, the country faces challenges caused by long-standing macroeconomic vulnerab...
A gender analysis is a systematic process used to identify, understand, and describe gender differences and the relevance of gender roles, responsibilities, rights, opportunitie...