Impacts of climate change and development on Mekong flow regimes: First assessment – 2009
A research paper on the impacts of climate change and development on Mekong River flow regimes, published in 2011 by Mekong River Commission. Edited by Robin Taylor and Hanne Ba...
Groundwater in the Mekong region – transboundary aquifers
A presentation by Felix Seebacher on groundwater and trans-boundary aquifers in the Mekong region, published by the Mekong River Commission Secretariat's Information and Knowled...
Current status and issues of groundwater in the Mekong river basin
A report by Kyoochul Ha, Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, Eunhee Lee and Ramasamy Jayakumar on current status and issues related to groundwater in the Mekong River basin, published in Dece...
Risks and adaptation to climate change in BCI pilot sites in PRC, Thailand and Vietnam
A report by the Asian Development Bank on risks and adaptation to climate change in BCI pilot sites in PRC, Thailand and Vietnam, edited by Frank Murray, May Ajero, Gianina Pan...
Aqua Monitor Surface Water Gain (1985-2016)
The Deltares Aqua Monitor is an open tool that detects land and water conversions globally, during the last 30 years at 30m resolution. Results of the Aqua Monitor only show com...
Master plan on ASEAN connectivity
The Associaton of Southeast Asian Nations' master plan for increasing connectivity in the region published in 2010, developed with impetus from the 15th ASEAN Summit in Cha-am H...
Consumption and the yield of fish and other aquatic animals from the Lower Mekong Basin
A research paper on consumption and the yield of fish and other aquatic animals from the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) based on data on consumption from 20 field surveys in the LMB, ...
Climate change and institutional adaptation in transboundary river basins
A research paper by Jochen Hinkel and Timo Menniken on institutional adaptation to the effects of climate change in management of transboundary river basins, published in 2007 ...
Deltas at Risk
The Delta at Risk study is a global, systematic assessment of how delta risk is increasing due to sea-level rise and human drivers of delta land subsidence. Risk is expected to ...
Fish biodiversity in the Lower Mekong Basin: Implications for food and nutrition security
Presentation about fish biodiversity in the Lower Mekong Basin and their implications for food security. The presenter discusses fishes of the Basin, volume and value of the fis...
Fish, sediment and dams in the Mekong
A research paper on the impact of dams on hydrology and fisheries in the Mekong by Eric Baran, Eric Guerin and Joshua Nasielki, published in Cambodia in December 2015. Published...
Equator Principles 2013
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Báo cáo Đánh giá môi trường chiến lược của thủy điện dòng chính Mê Kông 2010
Báo cáo Đánh giá Môi trường Chiến lược (SEA) đối với những đề xuất dự án phát triển thủy điện trên dòng chảy chính Sông Mê Kông được Ủy hội Sông Mê Kông (MRC) thực hiện trong vò...
Livelihoods and food security on the Mekong River
An analysis paper by Future Directions International on livelihood considerations and food security in the Lower Mekong countries, published in May 2016.
Irrigation reform in Asia a review of 108 cases of irrigation management transfer
Like the proverbial happy families of Tolstoy, it is thought that all successful water users associations (WUA’s) have intrinsic commonalities and once these are understood, WUA...
Nguyên tắc Xích đạo: Chuẩn mực môi trường – xã hội tự nguyện cho các nhà đầu tư tài chính, 2010
Nguyên tắc Xích đạo là bộ chuẩn mực mang tính chất tự nguyện được xây dựng trên cơ sở tham khảo các chuẩn mực hiện có và nhu cầu của các nhà đầu tư tài chính. Nguyên bản gốc tiế...
Hydroelectric Power - A guide for Developers and Investor, 2015
This guide covers all aspects of hydropower project development, emphasizing the importance of interactions among technical, commercial, permitting/licensing, environmental and ...
Đến lúc cần đánh giá lại các dự án đầu tư năng lượng tiểu vùng Mê Kông, 2015
Thông qua Chương trình Tiểu vùng Mê Kông (GMS), Ngân hàng Thế giới (WB) và Ngân hàng Phát triển Châu Á (ADB) đang tham gia đồng tài trợ các dự án xây dựng cơ sở hạ tầng và các n...
Profiles of 12 Proposed Mainstream Developments in the LMB
This is a PowerPoint Presentation of SEA Team on Profiles of 12 Proposed Mainstream Developments in the LMB during the Regional Impacts Assessment Workshop in Vientiane, 2010. T...
Reflections on Lao Civil Society
In this paper, Kepa publishes reflections on the state of civil society in Laos. These reflections, based on Kepa’s own work with its partners, member organisations and their pa...