Innovative socio-economic policy for improving environmental performance: Payments for ecosystem services
ESCAP, its partners and Asia-Pacific countries have advocated “green growth” as a strategy to achieve sustainable development in the resource-constrained, high-poverty context o...
ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2016/2017
The primary aim of the ASY is to provide accurate, reliable and timely historical annual data on ASEAN in the following fields: population, education, health, employment, macroe...
Strengthening Asia-Pacific’s support for the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Resolution to strengthen Asia-Pacific’s Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
The ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment (AWGCME)
Description of the ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment.
The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025
The ASCC 2025 vision is for an ASEAN Community that engages and benefits the peoples and is inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and dynamic.
SEAFDEC Initiatives Toward Sustainable Development of Fisheries in ASEAN Region
Description, scope, deliverables, and resources mobilized for SEAFDEC's implementation of SDG 14.
Description of SEAFDEC.
SDGs WEEK: Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia's Significant Contribution in Networking Session. 27 November – 1 December 2017 Bangkok, Thailand.
Asia and the Pacific has made impressive progress towards achieving several sustainable development goals including poverty alleviation, education and economic growth. At the sa...
WASH Dataset 1990-2015
Contains data compiled by JMP and UNESCAP on SDGs 6.1 and 6.2, including safely managed drinking water, basic hand washing facilities, safely managed sanitation, and open defeca...
Issue Paper: A preliminary assessment of indicators for SDG 14 on ‘Oceans’
‘Tackling the Challenges of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Monitoring’ is an important topic of which at different levels of government actors are facing many challenges. He...
Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles
To guide sustainable Blue Economy decisions, 14 voluntary Principles have been proposed for the finance and investment community. These complement existing frameworks in sustain...
FAO and the SDGS, Indicators: Measuring up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Data is a key driver of transformation across all sectors, enabling governments to achieve national policy objectives. A global indicator framework for the SDGs represents the ...
LMCs Protected Areas Data (Protected Areas Program - UNEP)
Summary statistics, per country, for the extent of area covered by protected areas for both terrestrial and marine realms. LMCs only.
MDG Targets and Indicators
To measure progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, a framework of 21 quantifiable targets and 60 indicators was set up by a consensus of experts from the United Natio...
Monitoring Water and Sanitation in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: An Introduction
Water and sanitation, as absolute necessities for people, the planet and prosperity, are at the very core of sustainable development. In embarking upon the 2030 Agenda for Susta...
Asia-Pacific Forests and Forestry to 2020 Forest Policy Brief 03: The Forest Diversity Challenge
Most of the terrestrial biodiversity within the Asia-Pacific region is contained within forests. Protected areas are the mainstay for biodiversity conservation although other fo...
MDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability
This document presents the latest data on indicators of MDG 7 and corresponding targets with short commentaries on progress toward achieving them. Across Asia and the Pacific, t...
Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Outlook
The Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Outlook report aims to develop a shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges confronting the region. This report prov...
GMS Cooperation on Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation
Border areas have historically been a source of conflict and strife in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Nowadays, with over 20 years of continuing peace and growing prosperity, bor...
Environment and Development for Asia and the Pacific
Ministers declaration on advancing the 2030 Agenda in the Asia-Pacific Region.