Agricultural change in Lao PDR: Pragmatism in the face of adversity
This statement implies the need for shared, sustainable economic growth, and improvement in living standards. To achieve such development, significant structural change in prod...
Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
This is the final text of the outcome document adopted at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13–16 July 2015) and endorsed...
Decree of the President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the promulgation of the Law on Insurance No. 11/90 /
With the aim of promoting and protecting the socio-economic basics of Lao PDR.
Prime Minister's Decree No. 03 / PM dated 25/06/1996 on the continuation of land allocation and land allocation - Delivering forests
To make the land a valuable natural resource of the country, it is managed, used and properly protected by the law.
Decision No. 0376 / CP of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry dated 12/05/2005 on the appointment of the Secretariat of the Forest Development and Forestry Development Fund
The agreement of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry on the appointment of the Secretariat of the Forest and Forest Resources Development Fund with five members of the Secr...
Notification of Forestry and Forestry Development Fund No. 1659 / Km, dated 21/09/2005
the reason is that making the forest resource has been organized according to the plan
Report on the Study of the Problem of Small Rubber in Oudomxay and Luang Prabang Provinces
The report shows that small rubber families have grown rapidly and most rubber farmers are well positioned for small-scale irrigation in Oudomxay and Luang Prabang provinces
Decree on Water and Water Resources Law No. 204 / PM
All Lao people have the responsibility to protect water and water resources. The Ministry of Justice and the authorities have the responsibility to raise awareness for the peopl...
Technical Report for Rubber Research Integrated with Lemongrass and Short-term Vegetables in Slope Soil in Namor District, Oudomxay Province
To compare the rubber combination with fruit trees to rotation.
SDC Vientiane’ s GEED policy
This short samary document of SDC Vientiane’ s GEED policy is prepare for GEED mainstreaming at 4 levels as: Individual level, Institutional level, Policy and Program Level, Pro...
Economic, social and environmental assessments of industrial plantations in Lao PDR
The main purpose of this survey is to look at the overview of fisheries and provide information on future management of fisheries and aquatic resources.
The use of certification certificates, economic and technical reviews in the promotion of industrial tree planting
The Company must operate in accordance with the laws on domestic and foreign investment laws and legislation in Lao PDR and must comply with the conditions set out in this certi...
Decree on the organization and activities of the Greater Mekong sub-region (Lao People's Army) No. 115 / PM, 04/07/2008
This decree identifies the role of coordination and work of the Political Bureau of the Lao People's Army
Decree No. 207 / PM on the Management of Goods Prices
All violations of business operators, officials and relevant state employees, such as document falsification and abuse of positions, must be held accountable to the law.
Options for policy and legal reform
This lesson will set out a range of options for addressing disputes and conflicts over land, forests and fisheries. It will examine their advantages and risks and how they might...
Report on the Resilience of Rubber Development in Lao PDR
The decree here is to ensure the implementation of the monetary policy to respond to the financing of production and services, to adjust the social monetary value to contribute ...
Clean development mechanism project design document form for afforestation and reforestation project activities (CDM-AR-PDD) Version 04
The Rubber based agro-forestry system for sustainable development and poverty reduction CDM project aims at developing a pioneering forestry CDM project in Lao PDR by establishi...
Agriculture lessons on nature
Perfect vegetable or rice must be made from complete soil, if the soil is incomplete, the yield will decrease because it will be disturbed from disease and insects
Decree of the Prime Minister on the transfer of Thua Thoem to Xieng Khouang and Xay Somboun districts under the Vientiane Provincial Administration Office No 10 / Nang, Vientiane Capital on 13.01.2006
Decree of the Prime Minister on the transfer of Thua Thoem to the Xieng Khouang and Xay Somboun districts to the Vientiane provincial authorities.
Compensation for damages from flling the ground and flooding of people
Additionally, people affected by the project should pay attention to receiving information. The relevant parties should investigate the damage information and make a detailed pr...